
Posted by Lessa on November 13, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

So, yesterday was kinda a downer round bouts here, huh? Blarg. Part of it is that the little things still kick me in the chest – like last week, I had a new box of checks delivered, and in the corner was just one name. my name. And it’s been almost 16 years since there was only one name on my checks. I had to force myself to write one, so that I could get past it, but I never quite shook it off. blarg.

Can I just say how AMUSED I am that the newest search words that bring people to my site are “lugi monster” and various things that include “zit-picking abuse”? So proud. Of course, I am most likely just glad that, hello people! there are people here! Disappointed peoples, sure, but Peoples! Hi Peoples!

So this morning? When it would have been a good idea for Ace to pull his “it’s 6am mom! get UP!” routine? He slept. And I rolled over and realized that I had FORGOTTEN TO TURN ON MY ALARM! or, I’d turned it off in my sleep. I’m pretty sure it was the first one though, because I wasn’t sleeping well anyway. I remember setting it, but not actually turning it on. Hello, Airhead! Welcome to Monday! Fortunately, The Girl had decided to set HER alarm for the first time ever. Which was funny, too, because she stumbled off her top bunk bed, and got all the way to her door all growly “Mom! Turn! off! your! ….oh. never mind.” and that? made me laaaaaaaaugh.

Alright, and year? and month? Hello? QUIT GOING BY SO FAST! Don’t you realize what a PANIC this is breeding in me? DO YOU? I mean hello – My mother’s oven is BROKEN. My sister’s oven is BROKEN. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? This means that LESSA MUST COOK THE TURKEY!

I shall let the horror of that statement sink in for a moment. Then repeat it with another burst of panic.

(CRAP! That’s ME!)

Must COOK!
(“Mom, is there a phone number for turkeys, like there is for birthday cakes?”)

(Insert panic, and not completely mine own. Consider those who must EAT SAID TURKEY!)


So, you see, November? Will ya slow the hell down already? For the love of all things sanity related for Lessa? No? Well SCREW YOU NOVEMBER! I never loved you anyway, ya December holiday wanna be crackhead TripToPan inducing freak! Harumph.

(Oh yes. There will be PICTURES of the upcoming debacle. And regular updates. Do you think they have wifi in the ER? I mean. Just wondering. Wouldn’t wanna miss a day that close to the end of NaBloPoMo, and all. So do they? Just in case.)

Yes. I’m nearing 40 and have managed to avoid making the turkey’s for most of my life. (I think I did it one year. Then it was never ‘my turn’ again. Hrm.) Nana always does it! Or Auntie Ladybug, who inherited the Suzi homemaker gene that seems to have COMPLETELY skipped me. (Probably knocked out by that basketball.) But no. Things! They conspire against me. And I! must face! the turkey!

Heaven help us all.


  • Sara says:

    I’m feeling the same way about the turkey. We’ve got the chance of family descending upon us with Turkey in tow. I have never cooked anything bigger than turkey breast on the bone. I’m trying not to panic. At least not too much.

  • Nana says:

    hmmmmm – we need a turkey smiley here – hehe

    your sis and her family are going across the road to the church there for their dinner. She says you and we are invited as well. Unlikely that I will be doing that – but if you and the kidlets choose to do so, by all means go and do NOT cook the turkey, sweetie.

    Dad has processed turkey slices and I am just as happy without – lol

    seriously – we could always go and do the Sr. Center cooking again this year. someone else does the turkeys – lol

    love ya kiddo – you’ll do just fine – and yes, btw, there IS a turkey hotline (or two)

    hope that worked okay – if not, do the “g” search and you will come up with same (turkey hotline)


  • Lessa says:

    I won’t be going across the road. Heh.

    However! that means a SMALLER turkey. Or maybe… I dunno. Rachel Ray can do a whole thanksgiving in 60 minutes… MAYBE I can do it, with your help of course. But guarenteed I won’t look HALF as cute as Rachel Ray does! *L*

  • […] Sorry folks – don’t have any more than that for now – maybe later. You all have a wonderful Thursday – next week is Thanksgiving! Do you have the bird out of the freezer yet? […]

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