
Posted by Lessa on January 20, 2007 in this-n-that |

Yup, it’s here. I’ll keep ya all updated as things go on, and naturally – first pictures here, as soon as I take em!

So far today: last minute hair appointment at the local Haircutters. Where he got the hair trimmed to a healthy length (still long! just minus the damaged ends) and blown dry and straightened too. He had her straighten out the curl I love so much! Harumph! But it looks good, and smells pretty (peppermint conditioner! hahha!)

Then, I asked him if he wanted to get her a flower, and he got all blushy and shruggy and “I dunno…” so I suggested we go to the flower shop and look around. Maybe something would stick out. So we get there, and the nice lady asks and I proudly point out it’s his first date, to a semi-formal dance, and she takes him through the flowers they just had delivered. And he whispers shyly into my ear “corsage mom? please?” and so we order a neutral and small wrist corsage, which we pick up a few minutes later and it’s beautiful – a red rose, and soft white shimmery ribbons and a white iris. He’s pleased, as judged by the size of his shy grin.

Now, we wait. Heh. And he gets more nervous as the hours pass. He’s brushed his teeth twice, he’s cleaned out under his nails, he showered (before the haircut) and he’s…. currently pacing and watching smallville.

5.5 hours and counting. *L*

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