D-Day: The Aftermath

Posted by Lessa on January 20, 2007 in this-n-that |


I dropped him off at 8pm. At 9pm I got a phone call from the cell, but it cut out and so I didn’t hear anything. Hrm. Cue worried Mama. Then the phone rang again at 9:30, and he told me that she was avoiding him, that every time a slow song came on, she was hiding, and that he wasn’t sure what to do. So I told him duh – talk to his friends, hell, ask another girl to dance, but most importantly, ask her to dance some faster songs and quit putting so much pressure on himself.

I’m such a smart mom.

So he said ok, and hung up and I waited impatiently, while muttering things like “if that lil wench breaks his heart on his first date…” all ominously.

Then, at 10:40pm, he BURST into the house – scaring the bloody hell outa me, because I thought I was to pick him up at 11. *L* Apparently the other girl had to go home, so they cut out early, and gave him a ride. But more importantly, he came in looking like THIS:


Yeah, quite a difference from what I expected after that phone call. I looked at him and went “WHAT?” and he said:

“It was the BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE! At least for the last 15 minutes!”

Well then. When probed for details, he said he hadn’t wanted to interrupt TGHLSB since she was talking to her friends, and so one of HIS friends had enough of it, grabbed him, and drug him over to TGHLSB and said to him “DANCE with your DATE!”

And she did. For the entire 15 minutes they remained there, non-stop. And my boy, he’s SO HAPPY!

And then his best friend asked him to spend the night, and so I said yes. Of course, this is TGHLSB ‘s brother, so effectively, I let my son go home with his date.

How trusting am I? Ha! I did tell him if he got a kiss goodnight it’d be all right, but THATS IT. NOTHING ELSE. He just GRIIIIIIIIIINNED and ran out the door.

So now, I’m going to mourn my son’s babyhood, and go sniffle. a lot. And quite possibly sob. and look at his baby pictures. And stuff.


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