D-Day: The Dropoff

Posted by Lessa on January 20, 2007 in this-n-that |

Well. I have never, ever, in all my life, seen two kids so NERVOUS! It was HYSTERICAL! You have to realize (as I’m sure I’ve mentioned) that The Boy has literally known TGHLSB since he was born. Thus, they’ve been friends for almost 15 years! And they’ve done things together before, and hung out, and they have their lockers right next to each other even! By HER request! So what’s to be nervous about?

Apparently, everything. And he wasn’t the only one.

We got there, after he’d been pacing behind my chair for almost TWO HOURS! Then we had to check and see where in the school the dance was located for sure, and then meet up with TGHLSB and her friend.

And TGHLSB and Sean would hardly LOOK at each other. Even after the boy opened her car door for her. It was so bloody CUTE. And hysterical! So we all scooted inside, us mom’s armed with cameras, and got them into the light for pictures.

01-20-07_SnowBall_corsage The boy gave her the corsage he’d picked out, and she fiddled and wasn’t sure how to put it on. So I had to whisper “pssst, put it on her! I showed you how, remember?” and he did, though his hands were shaking so bad he almost dropped it. Damn good thing I’d talked him out of one he’d have to pin on her!

So then we tried to get pictures, and had to remind them its OK TO STAND CLOSE TOGETHER! And so they did. Kinda. While us mom’s laughed at them.

So then, TGHLSB wanted her friend in the picture too, so pulled her over and PUT HER IN BETWEEN HERSELF AND THE BOY! Which nearly sent me and her mom into hysterics.


We finally said “Put The Boy in the middle so that he’ll look the stud” and so they did, and we made sure everyone had phones to call home, The boy had money to get them in, and we made our escape, while laughing together.

TGHLSB ‘s mom said TGHLSB was uber nervous too. Said that she’d told her she owed The Boy at least 3 slow dances and was met with shock “THREE? BUT mom! I don’t DO slow dances!” And I added in that I’d had to remind the boy that she already said yes – so he HAD to ask her to dance, and she’d say yes again! He was all blushy and shy and my god.

They were too cute for words!

So. I’m here at home, and I’ve managed only to sniffle a little bit (sniffle!) because my baby, even though nervous, is out on his VERY FIRST DATE! *SOB*

(But damn, aren’t they cute together??)




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