Only in Alaska…

Posted by Lessa on June 11, 2011 in AAAAAAAlaska., Randomosity |

…as my mom would say – We live in Alaska – we make our own fun!

As I was driving my son to work today, we saw a helicopter land in the Stanley Ford lot, pick up some people and take off again. They are apparently giving rides, so we drove over, watched, then I took him to work. That’s not the funny part though…

The funny part is this: Picketing in front of the dealership was a man with a sign. I didn’t manage to get a picture of him, because I just laughed it off. What it said though, was this:

“Do not shop here! They are disrespectful to employees!”

I snorted, and said something like “Welcome to having a job, jackass. Oh, wait, ya probably DON’T anymore..” And went on with my life, figuring they’d shoo him off sooner or later.

Well. They did. Or he left. Or something. Because here we are at the Funkey Monkey for coffee and writing, still giggling at the signs we saw – and got pictures of! – on our way through town. Seems Stanley had his own signage ideas….

(click to embiggen)

They say, front to back:

“Help wanted!
Honest, hard working detailer
To replace THIS GUY.”

And I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed.
God, I love my town.

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