
Posted by Lessa on November 30, 2005 in family, work |

Ugh. Tired grumpy Lessa!

Yesterday, I received several emails from a client, asking for a rush job for flyers. So I cleared my evening of all work and play, let her know my time was hers, and as soon as she got me the info, I’d get it ready for today’s 11am(mytime) deadline.

I finally got the information at 6am this morning.

Lessa doesn’t DO mornings.
Lessa gets damn GRUMPY without her morning nap after the kids go to school!
Even Lessa’s MOMMY doesn’t call her before noon!

Alas, as I am a very good worker, and damn proud of what I do, I started work before I’d even opened my first Diet Coke! THE HORROR! It was truly frightening. But, 3 hours later, I finished 1 two-sided 1/4 page flyer, plus two 11×17 versions of the flyers for posting, and got them all emailed to the client with an hour to spare before the deadline for any proofing/changing that needed to be done.

Only to have her not answer her phone! GAH! But, at least, I know that _I_ didn’t drop the ball! She finally called shortly after deadline, and she was pleased as punch with my work (naturally!) and full of praise about how I make her look good and she’s so happy to have found me through my DramaMama client. She mentioned how she was like “she lives WHERE? puhLEASE there’s no way she could do work like I find here – especially cheaper!” when my DramaMama was pimping me out – until she saw the fliers. Now she’s all about “OOOOOOOOh you do FANTASTIC work girl!” And I am a very happy camper. She told me the response to the LA Weekly ad (Yup! this is that client!) was EXTREMELY positive and everyone always loves my flyers. Looks like I’ve another permanent gig with her, as long as she has clients to advertise, I’ve got flyers to make.

I rock. *preens*

I just hope that NEXT time it doesn’t involve me skipping my nap to do it! Harumph. I got about an hour’s sleep later in the afternoon, then Mom called and let me know she’d found us a toy train for this weeks scavenger hunt, so as the girl (She’d stayed home puking this morning. Strangely enough, she had a project due today…..) was feeling better I piled the kids into the car and went to take our pictures. The nice lady at the hobby shop even turned on the train, and moved it to where each kiddo wanted it for their specific picture ideas! Everyone around here has been SO NICE about our taking the pictures, and so TOTALLY helpful in making sure the kids get the shots they want! From the Lady today moving the train THREE TIMES, to the owner of the feed store delaying the last turkey winner so we could get live turkey shots, to the restaurant waitstaff who let us cavort around the restaurant taking pictures of salt and pepper shakers as well as all the animals and such, to the grocery store who let me snag pictures of the goards. Granted, I did buy some from there and bring them home, but still! Everyone’s been SO NICE.

That’s small town living for ya.

Everyone asks who is doing the hunt, and why, and how it works, and what places the kids are in, and encourage them to keep trying to catch up with and beat me. We are 6 weeks into the 15 week challenge – there’s still time for them to catch me! And most importantly – the kids are having fun. I love watching their individual styles come out, and how the Girl, especially, takes charge until she gets the EXACT picture she wants. The boy is a point shoot kinda person, the pup is somewhere in the middle, but the Girl – she’s all about getting *the* shot. But they all love doing it, and are still hoping to beat mom.

And no, I will NOT throw the contest so they can win. Hell no. I’m twice as competitive as any of them. They will have to beat me fair and square!

And the fact I make sure they get that all important extra point every week is just coincidence. Really.

The BoyThe GirlThe Pup

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