The Machinery Of Death

Posted by Lessa on January 6, 2006 in rants |

The Machinery Of Death

A perfect example of why organized religion filed with hypocracy and bigotry is the number one turnoff for me. Granted, many of those I know are not near so openly hostile and insane as “Dr. Life” here, but the familiar glimpses is enough to make my skin crawl. Some classic quotes, direct from this trainwreck of a blog:

To think that women parade themselves around like peacocks in public with makeup, skimpy outfits, and disgusting tattoos is nothing less that abhorrent. Is this freedom? I think not.

What should we do about this? In order to protect women from themselves we need to create a dress code.

Simply the idea of a pet is abhorrent, to say the least!

When you allow a child to partake in the sick, filthy, disgusting Harry Potter phenomenon, you are essentially encouraging the child to rape, murder, and pillage in this uncertain world.

I am fearful of the outcomes of the Harry Potter books. Increases in masturbatory practices due to the “sexual tension” in the books; instilled beliefs that warlocks and witches can be anything other than evil; terrorism as a result of the insanity that comes out of the books; murderous rages.

Chastity belts, once the signature of the “oppression” of women, are of course not viable in today’s world; but think of the technologies availble to us that could help to deter women from engaging in pre-marital sexual intercourse.

In addition, we need to attach punishments to sexual activities that occur out of wedlock.

As in the ancient past, the olympics have become nothing more than a breeding ground for grotesque, calmitous celebrations of perversion.

Children watch these celebrations and are inspired by the grandeur and spectacle of the supposed unification of world culture; the debacle of athletic sin.

There are several admitted homosexuals in my congregation. Most churches forbid homosexuals to worship, but we worked out a deal with the four men and two women who engage in homosexual acts. They are deathly afraid of the hellfire that awaits them in the next life so we arranged to have them sit behind a curtain while the church is in session. Some of the older people are not comfortable, so the homosexuals must leave though the back of the church.

I suggest more churches embrace homosexuals like we do and help them overcome their disability.

When a woman is raped, no matter how horrible that particular act might be, one must question the reason for the occurance. Was it an act of man out of control – insighting violence from within his own sinful being? Or is it an agent of God acting to punish that particular woman for her sins? An interesting question. God acts in mysterious ways.

And it goes on. and on. and on.

He can’t understand why a lot of the comments he gets are incensed. He never ONCE mentions anything that would take away the ultimate power of Man over Woman. He blames the fall of all morals on feminism. He consistantly tells his commenters that they clearly have never read the Bible, when they are quoting just as he is.

It’s like a trainwreck. I’ve read the majority of it, and I am just APPALLED at the fact that THIS is what he is representing Christianity as – THIS is how he portrays and teaches God’s Love. THIS is how he is driving away far more people that he could ever hope to reach. I’m disgusted – but mostly, I am saddened. I know some truely amazing people of a variety of beliefs – I hope that I have never forced myself and my beliefs on them, and hope that I have been accepting and have taken the time to listen and discuss without condemnation – much as they have done for me.

My beliefs may not completely gell with a lot of Mainstream Christianity or any other belief system for that matter, but after reading the above condenscending oppressive hate-filled filth, I’ve never been more glad of that and my openess to the opinion of others in my life then I am right now.

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