Dear Old Lady at Fred Myers,

Posted by Lessa on January 8, 2006 in letters |

Look, I know that little tiny infant was crying. It’s clear that she was tired, hungry, and Gramma wasn’t cutting it no matter what she tried. But you know what? Wandering and saying to a complete stranger (ie: me) that Gramma should “smack that child so it has a reason to cry!” was completely inappropriate. The infant (INFANT) couldn’t have been older then 4 weeks, and it really wasn’t all that loud or piercing as an older childs cry would have been. Suggesting beating an infant as a solution is pure stupidity. I bet if momma had been tucked away in a corner nursing the baby girl to quiet her, you’d have bitched about THAT too.

To a complete stranger.

And given her the dirty look you gave me when I snapped back “She’s an INFANT and hungry/upset. Plug your ears or move the hell on outa housewares.”

Not only are you an idiot, but a bitter old bitch. Why not stay at home and send your  own (likely fucked up) kids to shop for ya next time, huh?

Disgusted still, even 24 hours later..

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