Feelin me wheaties, i is!

Posted by Lessa on January 24, 2006 in work |

Alrighty. So. As of today I have:

  1. Gotten together an application packet for a burough school district webmaster job. We’re talking benes, 17 bucks an hour starting, 8 hours a day and 122 days a year (that’s the school year, all school vacations off, i believe). While I love to sit on my ass at home, I had to try, right? right.
  2. Actually TURNED THE APPLICATION PACKET IN! As of today at 4:15 pm, even.
  3. Wrote a web design proposal for a guy who DESPARATELY needs me. No, he didn’t request it, and no he doesn’t know it’s coming. Heh. Nothing says balls like an out of the blue cold proposal, hm?
  4. Actually MAILED IT OFF! as of first thing this morning even.
  5. Wrote a Letter to the Editor to tell people who’re saying bitchy things bout my mom and the other columnists to STOPPIT or Face the Wrath of Lessa! Course, I wrote it much nicer and with many more words.
  6. Actually EMAILED IT OFF! this afternoon even. THEN I told mom. *L*
  7. Wrote a proposal for a BIG design job with the local Little League for individual team posters. Could be VERY lucrative. Will be a pain in the ass. But well, it’ll be worth it.
  8. Well, that one won’t be decided on or even seen till the next board meeting. But it’s ready. *g*
  9. And last but not least! I’ve just finished a logo for Kristyk‘s contest. Inspiration has been a fleeting thing around here for me lately, so it felt good to just lose myself in photoshop for a while, first with nana moosie a few days ago, and now for Kristy. Thanks gals, for helping me find a little bit of my mojo!

SO yeah. I dunno. I’m feeling my oats. Or wheaties. or something. *L* Even went to the store and got a couple new tops just in case I need to go to an interview with the school district. Gonna call Miss A and see if she can’t get me in for a color job too. We’ll foster this “i can walk on water [even if i need you as a stepping stone]” feeling for a while. Heh. It’s kinda… interesting. *heh*


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