The Highs and Lows of Motherhood: a one act play
Less then 4 hours before the new couch arrives, and Lessa is still cleaning and vacuming under the old couch and digging old silverware from between the cusions. Upon lifting the middle cushion, her supermom status takes a direct hit with this no-nonsense message written in perm marker on the fabric:
First thought: Damn kids! if they write on my NEW couch, i’ma shoot em!
Second thought: Aw MAN! wonder when they did that?
Third thought: BLOG FODDER! Picture time!
So, after taking the incriminating picture, Lessa bravely uploads it to her computer, only to find a secret message picture on the camera itself, waiting for her to find it:
Clearly, there is a “confuse mom” plot afoot in the Lessa Household! Possibility one: A minor panic by the older two children when realizing that the moving of the couch would reveal their cushion vandalism! Quick! Deploy ‘mommelt’ plan alpha! Surprise picture oin the camera to counteract such vemonous thoughts!
Possibility two: They confused. or guilty. or confused and guilty. or just…
Possibility three: Kids.
Gotta love em. *chuckles*
[please note that not once did I assume they really do hate me. I know better. *L* I probably had the nerve to oh, yell at them about their homework or something. I am finding it HIGHLY amusing.
….luckily for them. MUHAHAHAHHA!
And yes – that second picture is obviously a random act of niceness. *g* but the “confuse mom” plot was funnier! *L*]
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what I said previously about paybacks?