
Posted by Lessa on May 22, 2006 in emotional, family, this-n-that |

mah baybee! Someone PLEASE tell me exactly HOW can a Monday feel busier then the ENTIRE WEEKEND i had the past two days? Must be cuz I didn’t get my nap. Harumph. And why didn’t I get my nap? Well, cuz I had to go feel old. really old. Cuz see, today? My lil baby boy walked across the stage and graduated from jr. high school. It’s official official – though i keep telling him I have 3 more days of school and an ENTIRE SUMMER to remain in total and complete DENIAL of the fact I am the mother of a HIGHSCHOOL FRESHMAN.

Oy. Just. OY!

I couldn’t possibly be more proud of ya, Boyo, really I couldn’t, even if it does make me feel impossibly old alternating with total disbelief because I am CLEARLY TOO YOUNG to have a son in High School. The Class of 2010. I’m. Clearly. Too. Young. For. This! Harumph.

After the ceremony there was a reception and a slide show and then another slide show and then a talent show, and then I sprung the boy early so that he could join Nana Moosie and myself for lunch.

8th Grade Choir_final PerformanceSummer Time!mah baybeeDixenClass Of 20108th grade grad

Happy Mommy's Day!

Then, it was back home, where upon checking the mail and finding my copies of the paper in california that TBF works for, I found THIS inside:

Awwwwwwww. That almost makes up for all the old cracks the boy made this morning! It also explains why the kids and TBF have been all sneakily emailing and whispering on the phone and being secretive and stuff! *MWAH* Thanks guys!

THEN! It was phone call time, and I made a buncha business calls, and got some things lined up and such, and THEN it was time to take the pup and bug to their practice tonight, while Auntie Ladybug took me wee lil ladybug to her very first GAME. She looked so TINY out there! But that didn’t deter her from seeing me drive up and WAAAAAAAAAVING to make sure I knew where she was on the field!

Here I Am Auntie!She is SERIOUSLY cute. And I’m not just sayin that! Then, after buglet had pushed every possible button in my jeep, i got dinner and ran home and wrote this and now I’ve gotta go BACK into town to the store because the boy needs a couple things for his camping/canoe trip tomorrow with Mr. R. The girl will be swimming tomorrow, and bowling, and the Pup will be participating in her bike rodeo at school – before having her first Coach Pitch game tomorrow night. On Wednesday, the Pup will have a huge science day with loads of experiments and stuff, The boy will be in the canoe headed home, and the girl will be horseback riding, and then HER first game is that night too.

Do you REALLY wonder why I’m feeling exhausted? i simply do not know how Kristyk does it with 7 kids! Kudos to her – and I’m off to the store and it’s BEDTIME for me. Heh.

Night all!

1 Comment

  • Cindy says:

    Congrats to The Boy from both of us. We’re so proud of him. I can’t believe all the cool stuff your kids do. I never went camoping and canoe riding and horse riding and stuff. I hope they know how good they have it. Happy belated b-day to the pup too. Always remember what my mom always says, she’s not getting older, we are. hehe.

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