blah blah blah blah Dr. Phil blah blah blah

Posted by Lessa on May 29, 2006 in rants, this-n-that |

Man – reason number 11239027 why Dr. Phil sets my teeth on edge. Sure, he was on the mark about the 20 year old moocher who’s living off mom and considers holding down the recliner all day her only job – however, the other two guests? GRR.

When someone tells you “I’m not trying to create stress where there is none, but if you don’t delve deep here (into an area there is no stress!) it could pop up (while you’re, I dunno, forcing them to delve into an area they feel ok with) later” He’s TOTALLY creating a problem where there IS none, and ignoring where there WAS some, i mean seriously… UGH.

The OTHER one that pissed me off was the girl with the tattoos. They degraded this girl and over talked her and refused to believe that HELLO the vast majority of people that get tattoos do NOT regret them. Did he bring on someone that said that? Nope – he brought on a very well dressed woman who cried because her birthing photos showed her tattoo on her shoulder and she couldn’t hide it. And then he brought out one of his staff members, pointed out how they thought he was so well dressed and wonderful, then showed pictures of his tattoos and was all “you would have judged him differently if you’d seen those first!” Even the guy was like “Whatever.”

OMFG. They worry that other people will judge their kids because of their tats, without oh, gee, i dunno, celebrating the fact that their kid THINKS on their own and makes DECISIONS and stands by them, and is strong enough to not give a shit what anyone else thinks – especially the parent right there JUDGING THEM for it.

It’s bloody insane. I have tattoos. 2 of the 3 can be hidden, though I’m the first to whip em out if anyone asks. I got them for ME. the decision was MINE. I chose them with care and will be getting MORE. Anyone who judges me by the ink on my skin can kiss my ass.

Including Dr. Phil. Stupidity personified.


  • Schnozz says:

    Oooh! Oooh! Pet peeve of mine as well!

    I have a tattoo on my back, and do not seem like someone who would have a tattoo at all (I feel idiotic even saying something like that, but realize that I am referring to the stereotypes others form). People are FOREVER bashing tattoos in front of me because they make the ass-umption that as a middle-class, well-dressed person, I would automatically be on their side and would join them in turning up their noses at the “white trash.”

    Appearances mean nothing. NOTHING. So many say it, but it would be nice if they actually walked the walk once in a while.

    Anytime someone reminds me, “But you’ll have that FOREVER,” I roll my eyes and say, “Actually, only about eighty more years, max.”

    Eighty years … that’s not even CLOSE to forever. When will we stop overestimating our own importance?

    Good post!

  • Mei says:

    For the sake of irony:
    I turned on the TV today to the tail end of Dr. Phil (shush, I wasn’t watching Dr. Phil,the news was on next!) and he was talking about how “it’s not the outside the counts, it’s what you are on the inside.”

  • PurpleMoose says:

    ooh – oooh –
    wait . . .
    you have THREE?

    hmmmm – I’m sure I knew that!

  • Lessa says:

    *ROTFLMAO* YES nana moosie, mother dear, you KNOW I have three.

    Heck, number TWO was YOUR idea! “biker friend needs cash, tatts for 30 bucks!” *L*

  • Blyght says:

    Oooo, tats for thirty bucks? Well, the plane fare over there would more than make up for it, I think. And yes, I have experienced the same reaction with a few folks that get to know me first BEFORE realizing that I have tattoos and ohh how the wind shifts after they see them! Yes, I am *almost* 45 years old. Yes, I didn’t get my first one until I was 40. Big, fat, hairy deal. It is a little ink. Both of mine are custom jobs; no one else in the world has them. It is like my very own private artwork that I can add to or change when I evolve enough to want to do so. Feh, I say.

    See, this is what happens when you watch television. =]

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