WELL then.

Posted by Lessa on September 26, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

In the “My kids are better then yours!” catagory we have The Boy, once again. He just arrived home, and I asked him if he had homework. His reply?

“Nah, unless you count listening to some music for Ms. H for choir.”

I got all mom and arched a brow “Why, are you behind in learning the songs?”

His reply, again – this time with a OH SO SLY little grin “Oh no, it’s not that. Ms. H wants me to try out for a Solo.”

!!!!!!!! THAT’S MAH BOY !!!!!!!

So, despite the wavery-ness (shut up – it is too a word) of his voice currently, she STILL finds him a big nuff shining star in the midst of TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX STUDENTS to have him try out for a solo.

Eat your hearts out, mamas. MY BOY ROCKS!

ETA: Apparently, The Girl has ALSO been chosen by HER choir teacher to try out for a solo on Thursday for HER upcoming concert too! I got some talented kids, yo! YAY GIRLY!


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