
Posted by Lessa on October 16, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

…you’ve ever doubted that my smalltown Alaska is the best place to raise kids – I can now offer you proof that this town is as FAMILY FRIENDLY as it gets! Photographic proof, even! Beyond a shadow of a doubt! And the following makes me giggle everytime I see it. I can’t get Cal Worthington’s car commercials outa my head whenever I see it. You know the one “Come on down, and bring the kids! We’ll see ya here!”



In other news: The pup went ice skating for the very first time on Saturday for a friend’s birthday party. She would like you all to know that she DIDN’T FALL DOWN a SINGLE TIME. Neither did her sister (who went to the freeskate at the same time with her two best friends). Of course, neither one of them EVER LET GO OF THE WALL, either. But, you know, technicalities. Heh.

iceskating_pup INCOMING skatingwdoublemintBFF

Happy Monday, everyone.


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