Busy busy busy!
It’s been all about programs and concerts around here the past few days (with one more still to go!).
First, last thursday (and what a bad mommy-blogger am I that I haven’t mentioned it yet!) was The Girl’s Choir concert, the first of the year. They sounded beautiful, though there was considerably more figiting then Ms. B would have liked. When she made the comment at the end that they still had work to do, Nana and I looked at each other and went “They’s gonna get a TALKIN TOO!” and they did. But, for the first concert of the year it was very good!
course, one of the biggest wrigglers was The Girl. And she’s short, so she’s in the front row. We gave her endless amounts of hell bout it. Hee! She’s the forth from the left in the front row – click through to see the flikr notes that have her pointed out. And also – the boy in the back row, rockin the Mohawk. Awesome!
Then! On Monday, it was time for The Pup’s fall showcase at her school. So off we bundled to the oh so SWELTERING gym to watch the classes perform a little song/play and then checked out the glassrooms. The Pup was an owl, dancing along the stage, in her story.
Then she was the Bossy one reminding everyone they were to join her on stage. Naturally.
Then back to the classroom where we met the Beatle she raised from an icky meal worm to its present icky beatle-lishious state. We were told we could TAKE IT HOME with us that night! Yay! But that if we insisted it could live OUTSIDE! I did some fast talking so that it remained AT THE SCHOOL instead of coming home. We were also treated to pictures of her Ladybug report – which was very nicely done, and then it was off for some ice cream and home.
Then! Tonight! It was The Boy’s turn. He was one of 80 kids in the whole burough chosen for the All Burough Concert Choir. He spent the last two days, all day, singing with a conductor from the University of Texas – Arlington, Jing Ling-Tam. The chosen songs were not easy ones by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m *very* pleased to say that none of OUR kids had to use music for the hardest of them. Hendy is VERY good at what she does, and she’s been running the high school choir for 30 some years now.
You’ll have to click through to find the boy – unless you can see the purple there in the second row, middle. The Boy is the red/gold robe to the right. It was beautifullly done.
We were also treated to our Chinese Foreign Exchange student playing a Pipa, and the Sister City’s percussion group, doing a number that was awesome – using snaps, claps, slaps and stomps. (the pup: MOMMA! they’re using their BODIES as INSTRUMENTS! AWESOME!)
My videocamera is not doing so well – think it may need cleaned or something. Sigh. But I did get most of it. And! On the Camera’s video, I got a short clip for here.
Have you been wondering if its worth donating to help the boy go to Europe with the Choir? I mean – are they REALLY good enough to sing in Europe? Its not enough for ME to say they are, I know. Cuz I’m mom. But! Listen to these clips (on my poor regular camera, so it’s not GREAT quality – oh but the voices shine) and then decide.
But! you say! There’s more then just HIS choir up there! And to that, i say yes – but look at the OVERWHELMING amount of red robes in that picture compared to the other colors. 51 students out of the 100 chosen from 7 schools in the burough were from The Boy’s choir. And this was done by blind audition tapes, not chosen by school. So – Yeah. They’re that good. *g*
Listen. *g*
The above is the boys singing Soran Bushi – a Fisherman’s song from Hokkaido Japan. Below, is of course, the whole Burough Choir singing Danny Boy.
oh, oh, oh, THANK YOU!!! It was so wonderful in person – but THANK YOU for choosing Danny Boy for my instant replay. My Irish heart swells and my eyes o’erflow as you well know. Hendy does an awesome job with those kids.
They SO deserve Europe. (she says with every jealous bone in her heart aching!)
Now, everyone else . . . go and do as your heart tells you . . .
I forgot to say one more thing . . .
hehehehe :moose: