Dear Internets,

Posted by Lessa on October 27, 2006 in letters, SillyKittySaturday, this-n-that |

AceClingy Hi. I’m Ace. (the cute one).

Mom says that Silly Kitty Saturday isn’t until tomorrow, but that since she is going out of town, a day early is allright.

I’m feeling a little clingy today. Seems there’s this new white stuff outside, and it’s gotten kinda cold. I don’t like it much. I voiced my displeasure by insisting on sleeping under mom’s covers last night. She was fine with it, because she likes me best. Even when I used her toes for attack practice. At 3am. That was a squeel of glee, for sure.

She’s also going out of town – did I say that already? I don’t like that much at all. She’s not supposed to be up and in the shower this early. We’re supposed to go back to bed for our nap like always. I waited by the door for her, but she didn’t even stop – just pet me on the fly!

Anna I tried to talk to Annabelle about it, but she’s just a big stupid girl, and doesn’t understand. She just sat there, with this dumb look on her face.

kittys in a box(The other kids think it’s cuteness. I know she’s just really kinda stupid. Why else would she keep trying to climb the walls and attack the window blinds? There’s nothing up there! I already checked! Girls. I even have to sleep in a shoebox with her sometimes because she’s a big scairdycat. It’s really rather sad if you think about it.)

So I did the next best thing. I purred really loudly – all night last night, in hopes of convincing her to stay. She didn’t notice, except for the time I was sitting directly under her chin. That didn’t last long. Then, this morning, I sat on mom’s mousepad to remind her she had work to do. If she’s going to be awake, after all, she should be working on those big new projects she’s so proud of! I really need to be kept in the fashion I want to be accustomed too, for Cat’s sake!
AceUnamused So, I sat in her chair when she got up, and when she came back I gave her My Look Of Displeasure and Disgust. She was unmoved. I however was not – she kicked me off the chair! Something is Definitely Up. I don’t like it. Not one bit. I even tried stealing her Q-tips because hello, she can’t go out without clean ears, right? She just got more. I kicked her glasses off the counter into the laundry pile while she was in the shower too, cuz well, mom’s blind and needs her glasses to find her glasses if ya know what I mean. Even that didn’t deter her. Next time I’ll bury them. In the cat box.

Anyway. Think good thoughts for mom for me, ok? She’s riding up to some big city on the other side of the mountains with that big guy who says he hates cats but always pets me anyway but won’t let me attack his big ole cowboy hat. (I’d look rather dashing in it, I think.) She says she’ll be back tomorrow night. She’d better be. I don’t like sleeping in that big ole bed with just Annabelle. Anna gets mad when I attack HER – Mom never does.

AceFaceSo she gots to hurry home. I mean really – how can she resist this face?

My point exactly. Thanks, Internets. Mom always said you was cool.

Ace. (the cute one.)

PS. She caught me trying to stow away in her purse. Must be sneakier next time, and remember to hide the tail. And bribe Annabelle. She’s a little nark!


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