NaBloPoMo #1

Posted by Lessa on November 1, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006 |

So, back in the day, two or three years ago (2003), Midnight on the morn of November first found me hovered excitedly over my keyboard, waiting for 12:01 am, music on, headphones on, fingers poised, ready to begin carving out the Next Great American Novel of 50k in just 30 days! The excitement, it was palpable. The sheer magnitude of what I was about to attempt was overwhelming. My typos were all prepared to spill out in a torrent of keystrokes!

I finished Nanowrimo that first year with 51k words in just 18 days. I was a ROCKSTAR. I set it up, vanity published it, got bound copies for those I’d promised it too, and gave em out for Christmas.

Fast forward – November 1, 2004. 12:01 am. Plot? HAHAHAH! Idea? HAHAHAH! Hovering anxiously over the keyboard to see what might come out anyway? You got it! 28 days, 65k words later I had something I was actually proud of. So much so that I spent a couple months revising it, a few shopping it around (even asked for a partial or two), started on a sequel but then things lost steam and it has been put aside for now. I’ll revisit, and re-edit, and reaquaint myself with my friends in those pages soon, I’m sure.

Last year – for obvious reasons – I didn’t have it in me to try again. I did try though – but at just 5 pages in realized that worse then having no plot, was having no inspiriation. Thus, it ended before it began. I reread it recently, those 5 pages, and I honestly cannot tell you what I was thinking. It’s *that* bad.

So that brings us to this year. I contemplated Nanowrimo again. For about 1.542 seconds. Without an actual Idea however, I just can’t quite pull it off. So! Instead, I’m joining Fussy’s Minions for National Blog Posting Month instead. Bore you guys at least once daily for 30 days? Now THAT I can do.

Happy November, Everyone!

1 Comment

  • ladybug says:

    *Sitting staring at screan* waiting to be bored…. LOL… it may never come though you are too clever to bore your waiting audiance. Love you :dragonfly:

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