This morning…

Posted by Lessa on November 2, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006 |

So. It’s day number two here at nablopomo – and I promise not to continue to do a daily countdown. Really. No, really! I do! – and two things completely unrelated to that have occurred to me.

1. I can breathe through my nose, mostly. And I can touch my cheekbones without shreiking in pain. This has to be a good sign, right? Mucus production up, though the coughing from drainage is annoying. 6 more days of meds. Make it BETTER dammit. I’m so never satisfied.

2. This morning bears the distinction of the very first time this fall that my heater – that overworks itself no matter what the thermostat is set on, building tempertures with such a ferver that the whole neighborhood is warmer by association – and the myriad of slightly open windows has struck the PERFECT BALANCE.

I am warm, but with just enough of a coolness to warrent a blanket over my legs – which has the added benefit of protecting said legs from Kitty Stampedes. No one is bitching about being too hot, or too cold. It was the perfect temperature to wake with kittens piled atop the comforter instead of beating their way inside where they relive Kitty DeathMatch 5 and shred my delicate skin. It also was perfect enough that _I_ was inside the comforter, instead of kicking it off, and bareing aforementioned delicate skin to the continuing Kitty DeathMatch.

All this means, of course, that the temperature outside is about to drop 30 degrees and I’ll be slamming windows shut all day, or it is about to jump 30 degrees and I’ll bitch about being too warm again. Because heaven knows, I am NEVER satisfied for long.

But in this brief moment of perfect balance, I am content.

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