sooooo.. a needle pulling threaaaaaad…

Posted by Lessa on November 3, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006 |

Clearly, titles have never been my strong point. Heh.

Anyway – so ya say, this posting every day is just not for me! The WORDS! how many WORDS! I mean, my god, might as well be doing NaNoWriMo! I don’t WRITE! I do OTHER THINGS!

Well, never let it be said that I’m not here for you! Because truly, it’s all about you! Not me. No, really! (hahahahah!) So. Maybe you like to draw instead, hm? This (drawmo!) actually makes me wanna tickle my creative side a little bit. I’ve been thinking and wanting to do some by hand stuff again, just like I did in school. I pretty much suck at it, but anything to keep them juices um…well, juicy. right? I dunno. Been toying with getting a small sketchpad to keep handly, but haven’t because. well. I dunno. Lazy I guess. *L* Maybe I’ll do something in photoshop everyday, or every other day, or when the fancy strikes (…which makes it exactly like it is right now. hahah!)

Not an artist? S’all good – here’s one EVERYONE can do. Well, everyone with a freaky facination for shoes. What is WITH that? I mean seriously – I’ve got two pairs. I wear them until they fall apart and only then break and buy more. But man – some folks, they do love them some shoes. And taking pictures of ’em. NoBloShoeMo: Thirty Days of Shoes via Notes from the Trenches. You can join the flickr group here.

See? Aren’t I always taking care of ya? Though, it is sad that it is only day three of NaBloPoMo and I’m already linking to other things. I could bore you with pictures of my kids or cats instead – but tomorrow is silly kitty saturday, not today, and without going out of town I’ve no excuse to post that early. This week – a Letter from Anna. She’s been stalking my keyboard every since Ace got his turn. Along with my toes. Which is another story all together.

goofybrideThe Pup. She is cute.
(the topic shifts. they are random.)

Pup: that is NOT YOUR NAME for me.
Me: Fine then!
Pup: Only Papa calls me that!
Me: well BE THAT WAY.
Pup: You can call me by YOUR name for me.
Me: Which one?
Pup: Brat.

dats mah girl!

And also:

Pup: Mom? Why didn’t I go to prettyschool?
Me: Um. Uh. what?
Pup: the school before real school! prettyschool!
Me: OH! PRE-school. Because you were already too smart for your own good.
Pup: And Pretty. They’d be jealous.
Me: Exactly.


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