Blog lines

Posted by Lessa on November 5, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006 |

Ok, so I know I am HOPELESSLY behind the times, but Schnozz said I had to check it out and well, what Schnozz says, goes right? So I went over, realized I had actually signed up for an account before, and poked around.

Oh. My. God.

It TELLS me when people update! I can conceivably read your post within MINUTES after you post it! I was one of those people who actually CLICKED THE LINK to every single person to see if they updated (this is why, for the curious, they were divided into obsessively stalking and stalking – the first were clicked several times a day, the others once every couple days. so now ya know.). I didn’t mind that really because I love seeing the designs and such. This is why I change mine so often. *L*

Anyway! I discovered that you can click out easily from bloglines and still see the pretty designs and did I mention it TELLS ME WHEN YOU UPDATE? omg.

So – two things: what in the world is the difference between atom/rss/rss2? is there a difference? if there is no difference why the hell are there different ones? if there is a difference, is one better then the other and should i quit randomly choosing when a site has all three? huh? inquiring minds want to know!

And! The other thing? i downloaded the little windows notifier updater thingy right? Cuz I’d just updated my firefox to v. 2 and it wouldn’t work with the firefox mozilla thingy – but whenever I click it, it opens MIE and I hate IE with the force of a thousand suns, so does anyone know if that can be adjusted somehow to open in firefox which is my default browser? (I think? *L*) Never mind! Fixed it!

Yeah. So. In conclusion.

Bloglines? AWESOME.
RSS/Atom? Confusing.
All this free time? Wasted elsewhere.

hahahaha! (but on the plus side? this means i don’t have to pick and choose so much what blogs i put on my lines cuz I am not spending an hour clicking every day! AHH! THE POWER!)


  • Schnozz says:

    There are some differences between the feeds, but they’re pretty minor. Feed formats are a lot like DVD formats–the formats used to matter, but nowadays every reader/player is configured to display them all, so their differences cease to be all that important. At least that’s how I understand it.

    Bloglines can really lag, which irritates me sometimes, but I’ll take that over clicking all day every day in a compulsive effort to see who has updated (how bout NOW? how bout NOWWW?). 🙂

  • luolin says:

    Hi. I found your blog throught the NaBloPoMo site, since it’s right by my blog (sorry, I didn’t realize I was copying half of your name).

    I am even more behind the times with bloglines. I keep wondering if it will waste more time to set it up than I will save by using it.

  • kristyk says:

    the other good thing about bloglines [notice how I’m leaving you a COMMENT!] is that if your computer crashes and dies and you get a new computer, you don’t lose every single bookmark you have

    not that I would know ;(

  • Idetrorce says:

    very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

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