Sunrise, sunset

Posted by Lessa on November 6, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006 |

So, one of the nice things (…the nice thing?) about living in such a blasted cold climate, is that we are often treated to some of the prettiest sunsets ever. Random shots taken over the shoulder while driving (Papa LOVES when Nana and I do that!) and clicked on the fly are often some of the most striking pictures. Case in point:

AK sunsets

Added benefit – they TOTALLY show off how dirty your windows are! Score!

Thing is – with a shot like this out the drivers side window, you can stretch your arm, click again, and see this:


Awesome. I may be cold? But I live in the middle of THE PRETTIEST PLACE ON EARTH.

But dammit. It’s cold. And I papa went and got hisself a job. Which means I am feeding my own kids breakfast instead of shipping them down to Papa’s, (Yes, I can hear the sympathy dripping off you from here. snerk) AND I have to take them to school. In the cold. Outside. Where other people are.

Yes. I’m usually totally spoiled. Is this any reason to mock me? (Shhh, Nana.)

(Think he’d notice if I made them walk to school? They walk HOME, right?)
(Yeah. He’d notice. because my kids are little NARKS.)

(Whoo! day 6! only 24 more to go….)


  • nana moosie says:

    ahem . . . me, me, me, me . . . ahhh, all warmed up now

    but I digress. . . .


  • nana moosie says:

    and it would appear that the Girl wangled a ride HOME from school – I asked, what about the Boy? He wasn’t there, I was told. Bet he will be tomorrow when he realizes it means a ride home, I said.

    scuse me


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