Now THATS the way to do it…

Posted by Lessa on November 7, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

So. Papa, he missed his breakfast with the babies, so this morning he decided to give it a try, with all three of them down early before the older two went to school. The Boy was grumpy assed (…though he didn’t get up any earlier then usual.. No matter how he stomped and grumbled that life! it isn’t FAIR!) The Girl was her normal self – not *too* grumpy, happy to get breakfast, and the pup….

Well, the pup is as she is EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY. Talking. Loudly. Constantly. And making sure she is the center of attention. Heh.

Drawback of the new plan is that the pup is dropped back off here at the house, to talk MY ear off for over an hour before her bus arrives. Oy, my aching ears! On the plus side? She brought me a still warm pancake and syrup for my own breakfast. NOW we’re talkin! She was quite pleased to tell me they ate all the sausage though. *chuckles*

So the older two are off to school, and the Pup is chasing kittens, dancing and singing, (and now, watching a cartoon, because O.M.G. my poor EARS!) and me? I’m just hanging on until it’s time to take her to the bus, then come home and get warm and take a nap. Because I still get my Naps you know. Lessa without her nap is as cranky as the boy when he’s told he gets to spend the morning with his sister. hahahah!

One of the ‘goals’ things that we’re supposed to do every week with my other other job, is to get up at the same time every day. People always give me shit about when I get up like it’s some kind of unwritten law that people must get up before the sun, and sleep when it goes down. Um – that went out with lil bessie sue back on the farm, ma!

Just because I get up at a DIFFERENT time then you, and go to sleep at a DIFFERENT time then you – does not make me lazy! Just sayin. It actually makes me spoiled, and lucky, and I LIKE it that way. *Grin* I get up the same time every (week)day – 6am, and noon. But when all ya’ll are sleepin at 10pm because you can’t keep your eyes open, I’m still working until 1 or 2 am. That’s just how I’m wired, and I’ve adapted, and LIKE it that way. So. Getting up the same time every day? Check. Don’t like what time it is? :p~ Don’t hate the playah, hate the game!

Ain’t being a grown-up grand?

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