Um. ok.

Posted by Lessa on November 10, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

So, I like Rosie O’Donnell and yes, read her site, because well, I like her.
(No – Stop! COME BACK! We can like different things! Really! GAWD!)

Whew. Anyway – what’s the most fun to read is her ‘ask ro’ section, because man, are there some serious freaks out there. And the personal attacks, and, just. Man. faREAKS.

Now, I don’t watch the view (hello – it comes on before noon, are you surprised?) and a lot of the questions have to do with things seen and said by Ro on there. Apparently she made some comment about zit picking. I know, gross huh? But don’t lie and say ya’ll have never done it because HELLO we all have, and whatever. BUT! The comment was this:

the zit picking is a form of self abuse and abuse (when done on others) — a close cousin of cutting. be aware that it is a way of acting out your own abuse history.

Um. Huh? For crissakes, don’t we have enough ACTUAL ABUSE that happens, that we don’t need to resort to grasping at straws (or popping ze zits) for just one more way to say we’re fucked up and need therapy? A close cousin to CUTTING? Yeah, cuz popping a whitehead always leads to the thought of “OH! RAZORBLADES!” I think it’s more along the line of “Hm. Maybe dermatology is for me!”

I can’t really say why this set me off? But man. It sure did. Because seriously, folks, we are the most psycho-sematic (Is that the word I want?) easily freaked out, let’s blame everything on everyone else and never take responsibility for our own fucked up-ness society.

One of the first thing people as me still, a year after my husbands death is “Are you seeing someone?” and no, they don’t mean dates. They mean a therapist of some sort. “Did you put your kids in counseling?” how the FUCK is that anyone’s business, one, and two? NO. I haven’t. Should they want to talk to someone, that’ll be their choice, and really, they’re doing ok. Not great, sure, some days are better then others, but all in all, we four are doing ok.

Now – counseling for serious things like this, or ACTUAL PROBLEMS I think is one thing. But because everyone else is doing it, and you’re not ‘in’ unless you’re talking to a shrink and blaming your mom for never breastfeeding you and you PICKED A ZIT…. god people. Get a fuckin grip.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna look me up a shrink in the yellow pages. I just popped a fuckin zit, and am having lewd thoughts about that there razor blade.




  • AkMotleyGal says:

    Hehehe, that reminds me of a t-shirt my daughter wants me to get- it says “I can’t afford therapy so I just deal with it”. Instead I got one that said “I hear voices and they don’t like you” Now, I have to get back to my zit picking…..

  • rashenbo says:

    LOL… zitpicking… oh the fun filled topics I find! Suzanne mentioned you on her blog: http://www.cussandotherrants.com/ so I decided to pop over here and say HI!.

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