So, here we are…

Posted by Lessa on November 12, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

Day 12 of this posting every day thing, which means we’re ALMOST halfway there! Are ya bored yet? Nah? Well will it help to tell you I got NOTHIN but randomosity in list form today? See, I KNEW I could bore you!

So, here we go:

    1. Heh. I just drew a complete blank. Maybe I don’t got nothin, after all.
    2. You know – it seems to me that people are asking me more about Kevin now then ever before. Or mentioning him, in passing or in-depth conversations. Even the kids. Part of me feels that’s good for them. The rest of me still wants to clutch it close and hold it tight and not speak and not mention it because every time we do it makes it that much more permanent. Stupid, I know, but still.
    3. The school (the pup’s) called, to see which piece of artwork I wanted her to use for a project. First I said “Why are you asking me? Let HER choose, it’s HER artwork.” and then it hit me what was the subject of one of them. A family of five, with a dog. Sigh.
    4. It’s not just the pup – The Girl has decided what her first tattoo will be. Mickey Mouse (like her dad’s), with angel wings.
    5. That sound you just heard was Nana saying “Not MY grandbaby!” Probably with the groan of realization that her baby (me) has 3 tattoos, Kevin had 6 (7? Why can’t I remember?!? 2 on shoulder, 1 on the other, 2 on chest, 1 on back. 6. ok. Whew.) and it’s inevitible that the kids will get them too eventually. *L*
    6. We’ll wait until she picks herself up. There – better, Nana? Alrighty then.
    7. The Boy wants one too, but hasn’t decided what.
    8. Wow. This started out on a downer, didn’t it? Sorry.
    9. In other news – it’s bloody COLD outside. And I have to go to town.
    10. And this list thing is getting out of control. We’ll just end it here then.
    11. I promise there’ll be something better tomorrow.
    12. Maybe. Heh.

      And yes – it’s no mistake there are twelve points. Heh.

      1 Comment

      • dragonFly says:

        NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. No tatooes…. okay .. I gues… but not yet. K? you can do it when you are done growing. Than it will be okay… yeah that will be when you are 952…. yeah thats it.

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