…it’s WHAT time?

Posted by Lessa on November 17, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

It’s 5:30 am. And no, Lessa – she who sleeps in till the last possible moment daily – is not ‘up already’. No, Lessa, who should quit talking about herself in third person, is awake still. See there’s this thing, coming up next week, where I have to cook and have people over to eat it, in my house and suddenly, I found myself with a slight urge to, oh, I dunno, straighten up a little.

My living room has a floor, people. Who knew?

Sure, I haven’t vacuumed yet, but that’s because the kids aren’t awake yet, and the cats are already pissed off that I didn’t go to bed AND I moved all their favorite hidey places around, so, yeah. But – the couches are moved, the garbage disposed off, some things stacked up and ready to go out to the ManSpace for storage, and so on.

The Girl cleaned up the entryway and hung up coats and such before she went to bed and I messed up her floor by tossing all the shoes in the living room that direction, but it’s still better then it was and the shoes will be put away later.

Next – the dining room. I hear rumors that I’ve a table in there somewhere. And also? The kitchen. I know my oven works – I’m just not exactly sure where it is….

(Yeah, I’m kidding.)

But that can wait until after I send the kids to school and get sleeeeeeeeeep. Thank goodness I ended up not having to bbsit today!

Now, who wants to come install my new toilet seat? And scoop the catbox clean up a bit while you’re in there, will ya?


  • Suzanne says:

    Oooh! A new toilet seat was always a big event at my parents’ house when I was growing up. OK, and it still is. You must be having some special people over.

  • dragonFly says:

    IF you REALLY NEED me to put the seat on…. call me. I will be doing random acts of kindness…* Shivers in spin* ( we all know this will be a stretch for me) today…. So I can stop by and Help…. will call you later. MAUH!

  • dragonFly says:

    AND NOOOOOOOOOOOO I will NOT dot he cat box… I have to draw the line somewere!

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