Silly Kitty Saturday v.5!

Posted by Lessa on November 18, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

SO! It’s Saturday, and you know what that means! KITTIES! (Raising Kittens is FUN!)

This week, in raising kittens, included a visit to the vet, where they received their next round of shots and the Rabies vaccination. I was not so stupid as to carry them in my coat this time, as they’re bigger, and more rambunctious, and I got scratched all up n stuff. So – just before the appointment, i went and got a carrier, and tried to convince them to go inside. HA! They were resistant until I put my blanket inside, which of course smells like Mom. Though I gotta say, they still looked vaguely pathetic. See?


So, they were properly fawned over and pet within an inch of their life and assured they were the cutest babies the vet techs had EVER seen while being weighed in (Anna 5.2 lbs, Ace 5.9. Kept telling him he was a fatboy!) and declared healthy and EarMite free.

They also had a visit from Auntie, who cannot bitch about breaking out in an alergy attack when everytime she sees them she does this:

auntie luv

  Yes. If you rub your face against and cuddle the very objects you are alergic too? I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR YOU! Hahahah! Ace, of course, used the vantage point to explore the innerds of my new purse. (Look! a new purse! isn’t it CUTE? and for FIVE BUCKS! WHOO!)

They do still, naturally, insist on checking bloglines and blogs with me. Because they are smart internet savvy kittens. Though, I forsee the following to be a problem the bigger they get, because, hello? I want to read TOO!

bloglines this here


Ace always finds something worth talking about as we surf together – and somethings just make him laugh right out loud. He’s a very smart cat, after all.

And thus ends this week’s kitty-watch. Aren’t ya glad ya stopped by? *g*


  • dragonFly says:

    Now wait a min. IF I DONT pick them up … wont they ATTACK my legs ANYWAY! shesh …. damned if I do… and Damned if I dont. LOL. they are tooooooooooooo cute to resist. once they are past the cutness factor… you know once you can no longer get rid of them. becouse well you have had them for so long that they have TRAINED YOU!…. than… than I will be able to resist them. Untill than. LOOK AT HIM LAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is a total crack. who was that email from? probibly TBF…. *G*.

  • Blyght says:

    They NEVER get over standing in front of your monitor. I keep telling all FOUR of mine that their daddies weren’t glassmakers, but all they do is put their collective catbutts in my face all non-chalantly-like while I am trying to read.

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