The Turkey Platter

Posted by Lessa on November 22, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

So, I’ve mentioned it here or there, so I thought today, while I’m in the midst of the 24 hour panic, that I’d pause and tell ya’ll about the Turkey Platter.

Turkey Platter  Now, I don’t know where Mom got this Turkey Platter, but I seem to remember her saying one year it was a spur of the moment buy at some ‘Mart or another. So this isn’t necessarily a heirloom that’s passed down generations beyond generations. It’s just a plate, that has a goofy Turkey on it (eyelashes! it has EYE LASHES, people!) – but to *me* it’s more, and has become that heirloom status in my head.

I don’t remember much about childhood – I’ve always had a swiss cheese memory – so the things that stand out I cling too. This Turkey Platter is one of them. I can’t even tell you when exactly it made it’s first appearance. I just know that of all the Thanksgivings and Christmas Turkeys I remember – they sat on this plate. Every time we’d troop to the table, in ever increasing numbers, there it was – a gorgeous bird, roasted to perfection and resting, all serene before the inevitable slaughter about to occur, sitting on this Turkey Platter.

It was more then just a plate, of course. It was the symbol of everything family. It brought us together – even when we’re stompingly mad at each other over some (real or imagined) slight or another. It sat center stage as we gathered and gave thanks, and talked and giggled and forgot – if only for a few hours – whatever drove us nuts about each other. It bore witness to each of my babies first Thanksgivings; TheBoy cutting his first tooth on a turkey leg bone, Papa sneaking all the babies their first taste of forbidden foods from mashed potatoes to pumpkin pie to spoonfuls of Marshmellow Fluff, the ever expanding table to allow all of us to gather ’round as our family grew and grew and grew.

A few years ago, Nana was cleaning her kitchen and randomly said “If there’s anything you want, come get it.” because she was de-cluttering. I, ever soft spoken and rarely opinionated (we’ll wait while ya’ll stop choking… better? ok) said “THE TURKEY PLATTER! IT’S MINE! That little brat of a sister of mine CAN’T HAVE IT! It’s ALL I want! She can have EVERYTHING ELSE except the Turkey Platter!”

I may, or may not, have already been running down the road to rescue the Platter from the possibility of it landing in my sister’s hands and/or the giveaway box while talking on the phone. I may, or may not, have clutched it to my chest while looking around with a wild and possessive look in my eyes, daring anyone to try and take it from me. I may, or may not, have remembered to actually say ‘thank you’ for the gift of all those holidays wrapped up in a simple Turkey Platter.

So – just in case?

Thanks, Mom, for giving me the platter that holds so many family memories for me. It will proudly sit center table tomorrow, holding my own – hopefully edible – Turkey, and continue to bear witness to many more family meals to come.

1 Comment

  • nanamoose says:

    aha!!! So THAT’s where it went . . .


    just kidding – I thought sure you would say something like I had forgotten where it went or something – you know, just to make me look as foolish as I sometimes sound. heh

    you are most welcome, m’dear. Enjoy it – and, as it is now close to 40 years old – it can indeed be deemed an heirloom.

    so there

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