Christmas Comes to Kenai

Posted by Lessa on November 24, 2006 in NaBloPoMo 2006, this-n-that |

It’s that time again! The biggest little celebration here in Kenai.

Christmas Comes to Kenai starts off at 8am with The boy telling the pup “huh? nah, you missed it!” and sending her running into my room crying and my threatening the boy’s life for the first time. Today. *Snerk*

Needless to say – the pup had NOT missed it, and there was no reason for tears, and… then Auntie calls. Lessa doesn’t do anything before NOON people, without much grumbling. including answer the phone. But I gave her the info she wanted: Santa was arriving at 11:30am. NOT EIGHT AM. NOT NINE AM. but 11:30 so hang up the bloody phone, leave your sister alone, and LET ME SLEEP!


Yeah, yeah yeah – I got up, what’s it to ya?

The pup and I took off around 10:50am so we could get close to the front of the line because the line? Is outside. It was a nice balmy 5 degrees this morning. The pup was all bundled up, and I even put on my warm sweatshirt and we stood there and drank lukewarm chocolate (No, not hot chocolate. That’d been nice.) and waited.

We didn’t get to see him arrive on the Fire truck because everyone was freezing so they let us inside to start lining up early.


There was no shortage of people, of course because we Alaskans are insane. There were still people arriving and coming in after I took that shot, too. Then, of course, the big guy himself arrived.

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the excitement grew and everyone cheered and there were no shortage of cute little faces all glowing as they patiently waited their turns. Or not.


We only waited for about 15-20 minutes after the line got started, since we’d gotten there so early. (Not so insane, Lessa – maybe even… SMART!) The pup had time to take off her snow gear, and then hop right on up on his lap. She’s so shy. Really. (…NOT. heh.)

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She came fully prepared and talked and talked and talked and if you don’t believe me? Let’s take a closer look at that second picture….


Yes. His eyes are closed. She either put him to sleep – or he’s praying for strength. You decide. Heh! More later after the Parade and Fireworks!

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