Silly Kitty Saturday v.7

Posted by Lessa on December 2, 2006 in SillyKittySaturday, this-n-that |

So, since number two of Metro Dad’s guest blog list of “what not to write about” was specifically “Stories and photos about your cat are never as cute as you think they are.” – I had thought to maybe skip this week.

(Ok, no, not really, it just made me want to write it more because seriously – how cute are my cats? It was more like “…uh…Lessa braindead…” instead. heh.)

TenBut then, a day or two ago (I thought I’d take a ride! And soon Miss Sally Bright, was seated by my side…) I found out that my SKS entries have a VERY SPECIAL READER who looks forward to the pictures every week. So! Everyone send a shout out to my nephew, hm?

All together now…. “Hi, D-man!”

Vedy goot.

Now, for the Kittens.

Being Kittens – in between their mandated 22.5 hours of sleep they desperately need a day, they play. And play. And chase things. And fight. And jump on the toilet seat just as someone (not saying who!) starts to sit down and almost get dunked into the toilet as a result. Silly Kitties.

We bought them toys, of course, and they played with them for a grand total of 1.32 minutes. They much prefer to find their own. Like, for instance, Santa Hats. But only while they’re being worn.


But their all time favorite? The old bath scrunchy sponge thing they drug out of the bathtub and have chased all over the house. This thing, they will drag, toss, chase and fight over for HOURS. Usually dumping the laundry basket in the process. Like so:


Then, naturally, it’s nap time. Which involves one of two things. Finding the most uncomfortable surface on the house to sleep on – such as an ugly bathroom counter-top, or making use of any number of the pillows that coo and pet and cuddle while they nap. Said pillows can most often be found sprawled out on the couch.

sleepincounter sleepin

And that completes this week’s Silly kitty Saturday!

PS: Want to know how many of that list of 10 don’ts I break on a regular basis? *grin* Off the top of my head, I think I routinely break 7 of the 10 without even trying! I’m just good that way.


  • nana moose says:

    heya D-man!!! We’re holding your shopping day until NEXT weekend since you are not home this weekend – okay? okay!

  • D-Man says:

    I think that you have kittens just like my kittens.The’re always getting into mischief! While you’re worrying about a bathroom sponge
    and some laundry(which I thinkis funny) I have to worry about the whole bathroom! That’s kind’a funny to.I lovel Aunty lessa.

  • dragonFly says:

    He was sad to see you didn’t have one yesterday and wrote on this one… you had better not skip next week.

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