2 down, 2 to go!

Posted by Lessa on December 4, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

Christmas programs that is!

Yup, it’s that time of the year again when the schools fight for the ability to get the one Auditorium space for their big programs. With all the special groups – it’s no easy task for sure.

Solo Solo_2

Thursday (Yes, last Thursday. And this is Monday. I’m a bad mommy blogger and haven’t mentioned it yet. Shame all over me.) was the girl’s middle school concert where my baby girl had her first real SOLO! (She’s the one on the right, above) She and two of her friends sang Santa Clause is coming to town, each alternating solo parts before singing together. They did a fabulous job, and my baby girl SHONE with her part. Earlier that day she was so nervous she forgot the words, but as I promised, it all came back to her and she didn’t even stumble. She’s glad – while also mad – that I was right.

Sunday, it was concert number two, the Annual Christmas Concert of the highschool – it was the boy’s turn to strut his stuff. Now, I’d show you pictures? But I am a REALLY bad mommy and totally forgot my camera. I had the video cam, but I don’t have the right card to put a bit online for ya’ll to hear. Sorry! But rest assured it was a very excellent (if a tad bit long) concert and we enjoyed it very much. Besides – if you want to hear the choir sing, pop over here and take a listen to the earlier concert if you haven’t already. Should I figure out how to get the cam stuff online, or even get him to sing a little solo on the easyshot, I’ll post that later on. Don’t get ya hopes up – he prefers singing in front of large crowds, and/or with a group. *g*

Tuesday it’s the Pup’s turn, with the Annual concert of the 1-2 classes at her school. It’s always a bunch of fun and she’s been very excited to tell me over and over again that she has a dancing part this year. I’ll be sure to let you know how it turns out.

And then – a week from Tuesday, it’s The Girl’s band concert. If the bloody Music Box can fix her clarinet correctly this time. The thumb brace had fallen off and 24 hours and 40 bucks later, they said it was fixed. She played for 10 minutes and the damn thing popped off again. I’ll be returning it tomorrow to demand they fix it RIGHT this time. (If it takes longer then a couple days – they’ll give me a loaner for her. But we all know nothing compares to your own instrument.)

For now, however, at just 1:30am, it’s time for all Tired Lessa’s to be in bed. Night ya’ll!

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