Still more pre-teen fun!

Posted by Lessa on December 7, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

In the previous episode, we introduced the boy to whom my Daughter can never date. Or mate. or any other things. What I didn’t mention was the rest of the conversation that revolved around acceptable gift giving limits in Jr. High. Seems a friend of a friend of hers in 8th grade wants to get his girlfriend a $300 necklace for Christmas. What are his parents THINKING? (aside from – damn, we’s rich!) She added that it was his money that he earned and he should be able to spend it as he pleased. Yeah, we fixed that point of view real quick.

The nice thing is that it opened discussion for things people don’t normally think about, and we had fun setting up limits as for what would be acceptable for kids her age. (I *love* when my kids help set up their own limits!) for if and when it becomes an issue for her.

Cue today’s conversation:

TheGirl: So, that boy I told you about?
Me: yeaaaaaaaaaah…
TheGirl: He gave me a piece of gum today!
Me: um. YAY!
TheGirl: Now (completely straight faced), that’s not too expensive a gift, is it? I mean, I could TOTALLY hawk it back up and give it back to him if you think it was too much…

Need I even go into how much my kids rock? She’s totally gotten my sense of humor, and is completely adorable!

And yes – I totally told her to give the gum back. Oh! The eye rolling that brought out!

In other news – her clarinet is once again back in her hands, and she is busilly catching up on tons of missed practice. Oy. me’ears!


  • nana moose says:

    do you KNOW how hard it is to swallow coffee (HOT coffee!!) when reading about my darling grandbabies here?????????
    :s :moose:

  • AkMotleyGal says:

    That was so hilarious I had to read it to my husband (he was wondering why I was sitting on the bed cackling uncontrollably)- then of course I had to read to him about the boy that the girl can never marry…..

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