Silly Kitty Sat..er..Sun..er.. oh whatever!

Posted by Lessa on December 11, 2006 in SillyKittySaturday |

christmas tree 06 Yes, yes I know this is late – as my Nephew made sure to make known – Sorry D-man! I had a good reason!

You see, I wanted to wait until we had our new kitty toy up. You know, a toy that’s not SUPPOSED to be a kitten toy? That you only put up once a year?

Why yes – I’m speaking of our Christmas Tree in all it’s fake, plastic, pre-lit glory. OH! how i love this pre-lit tree! No muss, no fuss! Seriously the BEST 20 bucks I’ve ever spent. We only have charlie brown trees up here anyway, unless you want to pay for a real tree that’s been shipped from the states and costs anywhere from 50-250 bucks. Granted, there’s a lot less of Power Tools used to cut the end off trees, and/or stress and grumbling while trooping through the cold for a live one… but this is far easier! Which is why I have a fake tree now. I’m all about the lazy, people.

innocent honest Anyway – Kitties. Even now we have definite distinctions between the two siblings. Ace chose to study his approach first. Waiting and biding his time as he figured the best way to go about getting his first bite of the delicious plastic-y goodness.

He watched, he waited, and I thought – mistakenly – that perhaps he would leave it alone! But oh no – within minutes I had to break out the kitty trainer (Known as a water bottle to normal folks.) He turned and glared at me, then came running to rub up against my feet and suck up.

Right before attacking the tree again. And getting sprayed. And glaring at me. And rubbing. And attacking. And sprayed. And glar…. well, you get the picture. I, however, never did manage to catch him in the act with the camera.

Annabelle, on the other hand, is (according to Ace), a couple beers shy a 6-pack. She went right for the tree, and batted balls and chewed on plastic-y goodness, and got sprayed.

nosy annabelle nosy annabelle

The difference between the two, however, came in with the reaction to the kitty trainer! You see, Annabell is CERTAIN that the water is coming from the tree itself! There IS much glaring, but it is not towards me, but toward the tree itself, before she stalks it again. While Ace watches and shakes his head in wonder at the idiocy of his wonder-twin.


Of course, he’s very likely planning his own next attack in the meantime.So there ya go, D-man! A couple days late, but I didn’t forget about your SKS v.8! Enjoy! So now? It’s time for a nap. Kitty style.

sleepy kitties

PS: The Tree survived the night – however, smartypants Ace discovered first thing this morning that if he climbed onto the windowsill behind the tree, I won’t notice until I actually HEAR him chewing on fake plastic-y goodness. But he’ll still get sprayed upon escape. Sneaky lil bugger!

1 Comment

  • D-Man says:

    As always you make me *LOL* @ your kitties and their mieschief. I just think if you sent a vidio of it
    to Americas Funniest Home Vidios you might win. That is how funny you’re kitties are. You made a good choice naming it silly kitty saturday, (but you should have added hillarias). I love you Lessa!

    From D-man

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