
Posted by Lessa on December 13, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

It seems that people are determined to make me feel OLD today! Observe:

1. The Google ad down there is for adult diapers. Um. huh?

2.  The boy came home, and reluctantly asked for homework help. Like so: “Mom! I have health homework, about that subject that NO ONE THERE wants to talk about and you always start with ‘I’LL KILL YOU!'”

Yes, the boy had to ask for help labeling and answering questions about the female and male anatomy. Heh. I’m not ashamed to admit that I had to look some things (male) online, or that I, knowing he was a little embarrassed, couldn’t resist making him laugh. “Dude, you know what the scrotum is. its the BALL SACK!” Cue embarrassed giggle. And rolling of the eyes. It amuses me to know that now every time his teacher says “scrotum”, he’ll hear “BALL SACK!”

And yes. It made me feel old. He don’t need to know all this stuff being my BABY and all, right? (SOB!)

(And yes – we already had “The talk” and yes, it started out with “I’LL KILL YOU!” heh.)

3. Nana is making plans for the big milestone birthdays she, Auntie and I have coming up in 2010. I’m all for the plan! but dude. Forty. ouch.


And yeah – the feeling old thing?  Mostly from number two. *sniffle*

1 Comment

  • Suzanne says:

    I love your sex ed lesson! I wish all parents were as cool about it as you. I will always think “ball sack” when I hear scrotum. My parents were not nearly this helpful.

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