Holy crap…

Posted by Lessa on December 15, 2006 in family, this-n-that |

Today is Friday. You know what that means right? Two things – there are only ten TEN! days before Christmas (PANIC!) And? It’s the last day of school for two weeks.



And actually, technically, the pup has one more day of school next wednesday. In case ya’ll live under a rock and/or don’t really care about such fascinating things that involve the Biggest State in the Union (Texas is just a freakin lil baby. Everythings bigger in Texas – nope, not even CLOSE! Ha! We could fit three Texas’ inside Alaska and still have wiggle room. Methinks the sun has addled their brains. We, this time of year, CLEARLY don’t have that problem!) I’ll fill ya in.

Up up and AWAY!The space shuttle Discovery is currently in orbit/at the space station. The pilot of that shuttle for this mission is one Bill Oefelein, who is officially the first Alaskan to go into space. Whoo! Now the uber cool thing about that is that it’s awesome for the local schools to follow one of our own as he does things that most kids have dreamed of doing at one point or another. The Challenger Learning Center of Alaska has teamed up with NASA and other folks to have the first ever tele-conferences with schools in Alaska. Exciting stuff right?

Well, the Pup’s school was one that was chosen to have kids sign up and be part of the teleconference on December 20. Of all the kids that signed up, The Pup – MY PUP – was chosen to be a part of the conference! The child is BEYOND excited! She’s been totally into this whole Alaskan In Space thing, so much so that EVERY TIME there’s a little blurb on any tv station we have to let her watch the whole thing before switching channels. It’s cute, really. So she’s a little excited. (hah!)

Me too, really, even if it means I have to be up and moving and out the door and to the Challenger Center by 9:30 am for the 10am tele-conference. I dunno if they’ll show it anywhere else but here? But if they do, and you see a little blond haired bouncy gap-toothed beauty trying her best to take up ALL THE TIME of the tele-conference on the 20th? Most likely, she’s my pup. Heh.

*image from http://www.akastronaut.org/

1 Comment

  • Ladybug says:

    No worries. I will come and pick her up and take her over to the center you need not take her. *BIG GRIN* I wouldnt mind at ALL!

    Her Loving Auntie…

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