
Posted by Lessa on December 18, 2006 in rants, this-n-that |

Obese should have health warnings on their clothes | the Daily Mail

Go ahead, read. I’ll wait.

I… am almost speechless. I mean, it’s about damn time someone told me how fat my ass is by sewing a helpline number into my clothing! I never would have known otherwise! Where oh WHERE could I possibly turn too when I feel like a donut? i know! I’ll call the helpline. Now where did I put that number? oh yes! it’s sewn right next to my ASS!

What I want to know is if this means that there are labels on Model’s clothing? Something along the lines of “Oh for the love of god EAT SOMETHING and quit sticking your finger down your throat afterwards!”

And his other suggestions are cool too! Banning snack ads before 9pm, tax breaks for the thin, higher taxes on high fat foods, clearer labeling (Not bad in itself, but as part of this whole…) And now, children – ages 12 and under – can get gastric bypass surgery too! Oh GOODY! Let’s solve everything by major surgery before they even start puberty and increase the major health problems for the rest of their lives! *claps hands gleefully!* What a wonderful solution!

Now – this is in the UK. But really, how long do you think it’ll take for some idiot in office around here to think “OOOOOOOH! now THATS a good idea!”

We know we’re fat. I know it everytime I get up, sit down, do stuff, don’t do stuff, every minute of every day. I have a fat ass. Also? I have a fuckin brain. Sewing help line labels into my clothing that scream “YO! FATASS!” isn’t going to change what I already know until I’m damn well ready to change it myself.

Yes, obesity is a problem in the UK and the US. This is not the solution. This just further encourages those who already discriminate against people because of weight. It’s the last acceptable form of discrimination, after all. Bet that jackass in the UK wouldn’t think of bustin out the N-word, ever. But we fatties – we’re totally fair game.


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