The convenient activist.

Posted by Lessa on January 3, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

So, the pup had a field trip today, and I needed to pack her a lunch. I, of course, forgot about it last night while I was at the store, so decided to take her to school after a pitstop of a lunchable of her choice. She was thrilled with that, of course, and who wouldn’t be?

Naturally, along the way, the pup talked. and talked. and talked.

She charmed the checker at the store, who asked for her autograph after hearing she’d been on TV – however briefly – during the Astronaut interview. This, of course, made the pup’s day.

The conversation continued in the car on the way to the school, where I was treated to the following rant. (How proud am I to say she rants, amusingly, already, at age 7? There are no words, man. None at all.)

“I just think it’s silly,” she said, “to kill a soft fuzzy animal to be made into a hat. Especially when they keep the tail on it? which means they’re wearing an animals BUTT on their HEAD.”

Really, said I. And what if they’re killing them to eat, or because they need to make the skin into a hat to keep warm?

“Well. I guess that’s ok, because they need that. But i have to speak for the animals because they don’t have a voice for themselves! And not all of the killing is needed for eating!”

So you see shades of gray – there are times when it’s ok? And, you know, it tastes like chicken.

“It does NOT!” Yup, she isn’t quite old enough for that joke. It’s alright, she continued on. “Fish don’t taste like chicken! Taste like FISH. Like Tuna. I like tuna. They better can up some more so you can buy it. I don’t care about the slimey fish anyway, cuz they taste good, but the soft fuzzy animals! People ought to just leave them alone cuz they’re cute n fuzzy! Fish are food! Fuzzy cute things are friends!”

So there you have it. I’m ever so proud to be raising a convenient activist! Life is forever filled with shades of gray.


  • meow says:

    As a parent of a 15 year old who proudly proclaims her beef with beef on all days – except when she has the overwhelminig craving for a happy meal – I know it is a proud moment indeed. πŸ˜›
    It is great when you see them with their own thoughtsa and ideas and the ability to express it all….

  • nana moosie says:

    snerkle – snort – ah ah ah


  • nana moosie says:

    drat – looks like akismet (WHATEVER!) hates me still!

  • Lessa says:

    It’s not learning very well, is it? That’s alright, i’ll keep pulling them out until it figures it out. *chuckles*

  • nana moosie says:

    so, I read the Convenient Activist’s words to my coworkers this morning – it’s Friday, the end of a tough week and we ALL needed a giggle. They wanted me to suggest (strongly suggest) that you submit this as a letter to the editor. After all, it is January – we are still in the long dark – and to top that, in the midst of a deep freeze period. We ALL need a giggle and this is too good not to share.

    so, ask her permission (they said I should say THAT, too – see how malleable I am?!) and then send it on. πŸ˜›

    off to see if THIS will post – heh

  • nana moosie says:


  • Lessa says:

    WHOO! It CAN be taught! *g*

  • Suzanne says:

    I agree with Nana. Your kids wisdom must be further spread.

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