You know you’re Alaskan when…
Posted by Lessa on January 10, 2007 in this-n-that | ∞
The Girl: Do I haaaaaaaave to wear the big heavy coat again? I wanna wear my Softball coat!
Me: Alright, go ahead. It’s warmer today.
The Girl: Yay! Promise I’ll wear a hat since my hair is still wet.
Me: Deal.
Then, after she’s gone, I check the temperature outside. It’s a positively balmy -1F.
Warmer indeed. Practically t-shirt weather after the past two days. It may have been absolutely frigid outside yesterday, but at least it made for pretty pictures…
1 Comment
Gotta love Alaskan kids- mine fuss if they have to zip their coats or if I want them to wear socks…”my feet get tooooo hotttttttttt……” “but kiddo’s it’s holycrapitscoldoutside below zero and you have to wear socks since your gonna take your shoes of in the car anyway…”, “fine, but do we really need hats and gloves….” I swear, Alaskan kids are half polar bear- :dizzy: