
Posted by Lessa on January 15, 2007 in this-n-that |

MLK day: My thoughts are over there, at The Sourdough.

The L Word: YAY! it’s BACK! Shane = raaaaaawr!

Smallville: Damn, Lex Luther is hot. Would someone KILL LANA already? Whiny little twit. We love Chloe! WHERE is the General Lee?! Did I mention bald men are hot? Yeah.

Silly Kitty Saturdays: They won’t be every week, but will still pop up every once in a while.

Words On A Page, take 1: Stupid words. Stupid SammyJ. Smart Schnozz (You thought I’d tell you I hated you again, didn’t ya? Nope!) Stupid graphic that I keep forgetting to update. Stupid words that I still have to write tonight. Harumph.

Words On A Page, take 2: Yay! I’m writing. I love it! I’m having So! Much! Fun! I even broke out Look to the Sky, the sequel to my finished Anything but Ordinary, in hopes I’ll discover what Alice is really up to. I reread it last night, and perhaps I’ll find the groove again. Doireann’s Song is very much a “words! must have words!” pile of crap work in progress.

Words On A Page, take 3: @!@#@ %()#(&@ #!@(*)@# )(#*$#()@ @#!@()!!!

Fruit: Selling it for the choir = fun. Delivering it = pain in the ass. Fresh fruit in the middle of winter = YUMMY.

The “My kid is better then yours” front: Email from the Choir Teacher: “AWESOME! I WANT HIM TO GO! HE IS A GREAT KID AND WORKS SO HARD. I JUST LOVE HIM.”

In caps even. Neener. *g*

Words On A Page, take 4: Ahem. See that? That silly little graphic? Does it look like SammyJ is smiling just a little bit to you? Does to me. That’d be because I’ve broken 10k. The number is starting too look respectable to me. Sorta. Heh.

This Entry: Done.


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