Ew. No, seriously. EW!

Posted by Lessa on January 21, 2007 in this-n-that |

Some days, I reaaaaaaaally miss my husband for a variety of reasons. Today? It’s because I want to SMACK HIM RIGHT UPSIDE THE HEAD. Seriously!

See, many moons ago, we got a second hand fridge from a friend that had an ice machine in it. So far so good. We got the fridge inside, and then Kevin and Bubba (oh man, are you lucky you are outa state now, boy!) installed the hose that brought water to said ice machine.

And lo, it has worked (sort of) for many years.

Then, last night, in the living room by my desk, a wet spot appeared.
And grew.
And grew.
And got wetter.
And wetter.

So, the search for what was leaking where, began. Now as here was no wet spot next to the wall, I didn’t think it could be the fridge. Then water appeared under the fridge. Hrm. And so I pulled out the fridge to find the hose had burst and was spraying EVERYWHERE.


And apparently, my house leans and thus the mysterious puddle of soggy carpet 2 feet away from the wall.

Oh Joy!

Now, up till here, there was no smacking warrented. Nope, it was just a matter of finding the valve and shutting off the water flow to the fridge. No problem, right? Because normal folks, they install copper pipe from the water pipe under the house, and then the shut off valve along the floor behind the fridge where it can be gotten too relatively easily.

Kevin and Bubba, they are many things – normal? Not one of them. Oh no, because they? just ran the tubbing to the water pipe UNDER THE HOUSE and installed it right there and ran just the tubing up through the floor. fifty feet of tubing!

So, guess who had to go under the house? Into a four foot tall crawlspace. Filled with piles of crap because Kevin’s idea of “de-cluttering” involved opening the crawlspace door and just shoving things down the hole and closing said door in a big out of sight out of mine maneuver. And then? Guess who had to find the valve, and figure out how to shut it off? And who discovered a puddle of water under the house where it’s been dripping down the hole the tube went through?

Oh yes. Me. All me.

eeeeeeeeew2So then it was to home depot, where I got a wet/dry vac to try and suck the water out of my carpet. So far, we’ve pulled no less then TWO GALLONS of water out of my living room carpet.


And my carpet? Ew. I knew it was dirty and trashed, but seriously. Ew.

This summer? I’m getting a new damn floor if it KEELS me.

And Mrs. Bubba? Smack Bubba for me, will ya? Since I can’t reach and all. Heh.

Thank ya.

In other news, the cats? recovering fine, and lazier then ever. Heh.

relaxinAnnabelle relaxinAce


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