
Posted by Lessa on January 26, 2007 in this-n-that |

Yes, I know, I use that title a lot. Sue me. Heh!

— What I’ve been working on: Desert Dance Festival. Trust me – it looks MUCH better, even without all the links live. Heh.

— Amusing Searches that brought people here:

things to say when cybersexing
pictures of puddle in carpet
built for comfort boobs
someplace warm to live

Well then!

— SammyJ. I hate you with the heat of a million suns. I am behind, and keep hoping to catch up, and still hate you. I also need ideas for more Sourdough columns. And? He wants a frugal column if I can come up with it too. And my fiction? Blarg. I know I can spit up 5k without blinking when I am motivated. WHY ARE YOU FAILING ME, SammyJ? I hate you. Harumph.

— Found an old friend recently, and he and his new wife are coming to visit, bringing his boys, who I promised not to remind that last time I saw them I was changing their diapers. (not quite the last time – actually they were 7 and 9 the last I saw them I think. They’re now 15 and 17.) At least not often. Heh. Remember the puddle in the middle of the floor? And my always lackluster housekeeping habits? I’m taking bets on how long it takes for the new wife to run screaming and gather her brood with her and demand they never see me again. And thats AFTER I spend the next 36 hours halfheartedly cleaning with the kids. hahhahahah.

— The puddle. Whew, stinky. Mostly up, a little damp, and a lovely stain. Goody!

— Kittens – feeling MUCH better. Annabelle is still voicing her discontent at times, but they are both playing and partaking in the nightly kitty stampede once more.

— Kids. Driving me insane.

— MSNBC: Bite me. Stupid judgemental pricks. (Re: playdates and wine. It’s all the rage around the blogasphere the past couple weeks. If you don’t know what I mean, check Suburban Bliss.)

— New links up there along the top, to blog or not to blog, and A-Z about me. I was bored.

— Me: needs a nap. Stupid Comma.

— Send Chocolate. And alcohol. But mostly chocolate.

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