What would Meridith (Vieira) Do? (Aka WWMD)

Posted by Lessa on January 27, 2007 in this-n-that |

So tonight, in case ya’ll haven’t run by yet (and why haven’t you? her day! it’s almost over!) is Nana Moosie’s birthday! Yay Nana! So tonight, Papa Moosie invited me to tag along for dinner at her favorite restaurant where there they serve Mexican food at it’s finest, as well as lovely marguaritas!

Now, me, being all responsible and shit, I left my kids home alone while I headed toward marguarita-ville.* Well, except one that was at a wild party. ** Anyway, I met the parental units (Aka, Nana and Papa) at the restaurant and we settled in for a good meal and talk and laughter.

And Tequilia. Whee!

So, I asked for my margaurita and the BEST THING HAPPENED! Dude, I totally got asked for my ID! I was so excited, Nana took pictures to commemorate the occasion:

So once it was discovered that I was, indeed, old enough (like THAT was in doubt!) the lovely waitress brought me my maguarita. With tequilia. blended. with salt.

So then, we continued eating, and I filled Nana in on all of the WWMD Playdates and Wine bru-ha-ha and we had a good laugh over the Doctor with the Nanny who’d never drink, and growls over how Meridith bowled over Melissa Summers and stuff. All the while I drank. IN FRONT OF MY PARENTS. Like. OMG PEOPLE. You think maybe I learned that kinda behavior from THEM? Probably at a PLAYDATE?***

So anyway, then it was time for dessert, and the wait staff to come and sing to Nana and bring her ice cream and make her wear the hat – her FAVORITE PART of the whole thing, of course. Well, next to the cutie patootie hottie cook…

The HatThe Cutie Cook
And who wouldn’t want to be next to the hot cook, huh? And, for the record, I may not have been the only one drinking – it wasn’t hard at all to imagine this gal with a lampshade on her head!

Whoo! built in lampshade!
So then, we finished our deserts, Papa paid, and we headed outside (be sure to ask Nana about the phone number and the hot cook!) and I put my stuff in the passenger seat and Nana went “oh YEAH! You are such a good kid, not driving even though you only had one drink as big as your head!****” And I accepted the praise because hello! Just because my kids have been in bars before and I drink on occasion I can TOTALLY do it responsibly and have a designated driver and shit. So take THAT Meridith Vieira!

And see? The kids were totally passed out when I got home.*****

A night well spent, I think *grins* Happy Birthday Nana!

*Oh please. The boy is almost 15. More then old enough to babysit.
**Ok, she was just spending the night with a friend. Sheesh people. This honesty stuff…
***The answer would be no – I don’t recall drinking and playdates. HOWEVER! They totally did teach me responsibility. And what kind of tequilia makes for the best margaritas. So there.
****Not quite as big as my head, but for such a fluffy gal, I’m sure a lightweight!
*****Again, not really. They roused when they realized I brought home desert. Totally a bribe for going out to dinner without them. Worked, too! Whoo!


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