Sense and Sensibility…

Posted by Lessa on January 30, 2007 in this-n-that |

see: OH so grumpy girl, stomping down the hallway as I nag her to take a shower. (Stop laughing, nana!) How dare I look in her direction, let alone speak in her direction and GOD MOM STOP NAGGING already!

Two seconds into the shower? Singing. Go figure.

hear: Well, heard. The pup, yesterday, after waking up and finding the company we had gone. “Well, where did THEY sleep?” Um, at THEIR house. “Oh. WAIT. You mean we did ALL THAT CLEANING UP just for them to be here for TWO SECONDS?” Pretty much. “Gooooooooosssssshhhhh, mom.”

Oh and, my mom: “So what WAS your fine?” The answer? $580.10. Ahem. And if you really want details, I’m sure somewhere in the last five years of blogging you’ll find it. *L*

taste: The last piece of (well hidden so I could savor it, darnit!) greek pizza and diet coke, aka breakfast of champions. mmmmmm feta cheese! I could eat feta all. day. long.

smell: The now dry, but still stained and kinda stanky nasty carpet from our lovely water leak. It’s odd though, because it’s only occasional, and also? sometimes? it smells like someone lit up a J up in here. Just like, every once in a while. It startled me so much the first time I glared accusingly at the boy, and checked my hidden cache. Nope. Everything was safe and sound – it’s just remnants of years gone by. Hahahaha!

feel: the ooooooh so light and deliciously thin and shiny and new Razr phone I got yesterday for the cool, cool price of $50 bucks and another 2 year commitment. Yes, they are buying my loyalty. No, I don’t feel used or cheap. Easy, maybe…. hee!

There ya have it. Aren’t ya glad ya asked? (What? You didn’t? Too bad. *g*) Oh, and as a bonus, one of the other publications of the makers of The Sourdough is The Shoestring – frugalness at its best. And you can read my latest there.

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