There’s absolutely no living with her now!

Posted by Lessa on January 30, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

Remember when the pup went to the Challenger Learning Center and participated in a tele-conference with the crew of Discovery Space Shuttle? And how TBF works for a paper in his town in CA? Well, they have a feature called “Enterprise On the Road” and people take the paper places and submit pictures. Well, I submitted the pup’s picture and the story of her exciting day. How could I not what with the whole space travel and their paper being called the Enterprise and all? It was FATE I tell you!

It was printed on January 5th – we got our copy today.

I hadn’t told the pup yet, that it was actually going to be PRINTED in the paper – her PICTURE and everything. So today I just told her to look through the paper, and voila:

that was ME! gasp!see! ME!

Hey that was ME! SEE? ME! I’m FAMOUS!

Yes, indeed, m’dear pup. You are famous. and growing up WAY TOO FAST so stop it already, kay? thx.

In other News – Coming Soon: Lessa goes OFF in a Letter to the Editor. Some people are seriously too stupid to live…near me and my kids. Yeah. that’s the ticket. *smirk* Stay tuned.

And ps: if this posts right? The flickr bar plugin is FIXED! YAY!!!


  • Lessa says:

    And lookit that – smilies work again too.


  • da mama says:

    woo-hoo! smilies! :face: no more blank looks – we :wub: wub you darlin!

    and, about the gorlie . . . well, she is all that and a bag o chips, yaknow! :devil:
    youse done good!

  • Sarah M. says:

    *rubs hands together* now when do me and TBF get our hands on her???? *grin* I PROMISE to send her back with more holes, colors and clothes than she arrived with… :devil:

  • Junebugg says:

    Nana sent me by to say “Hello”. I live close to the Space & Rocket Center here in North Alabama (where they have space camp). Maybe the pup will wind up going there one of these days! BTW: My last name is Waters also :shocked:

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