It’s an all animal friday post!

Posted by Lessa on February 2, 2007 in this-n-that |

Thats right – it’s all about the animals today. And no, for once, I don’t mean the kids. Mostly. I’m sure you’re bored with my talking about all of the animals round here – but I don’t care. Ha! My blog, my randomosity! Yay!

So, without further ado:


–  So, had to take Annabelle to the vet to get her stitches out on Wednesday. I get out the crate, and put her in and close the door. Ace goes NUTS. NUTS I tell you. Batting and biting at the crate to try and get in and Annabelle was crying pitiously. So I open the door, Ace saunters into the crate, and I ended up taking both of them to the vet for a 2 minute stich snipping visit. Came home, they both exited the crate, stuck their tails in the air and went to take a nap. Cats. Harumph.


— Ace would like you to know that although he has been fixed, and has a love of hot pink barbie chairs trimmed in sequins and feathers, he is STILL ALL BOY. He’s just totally secure in his manhood. Yeah. So there.


— Last night I heard a noise at the window behind me. I turned and saw a furry brown nose pressed up against the opening. By the time I got my camera, he’d moved back a little, but clearly didn’t mind posing for a picture or two anyway. So! Meet our resident moose baby. Not sure where Mama was, but looks like they’re doing well surviving the winter. Possibly because it’s bloody well a heatwave out there, but still. *grin* Cute, ain’t he?


— Last but not least! Auntie Ladybug’s chocolate lab is having puppies, and a promise was made to call The Pup when the big event happened. Much to The Pups delight, she arrived this morning after breakfast and before school in time to greet puppies number 3 and 4 into the world. She held the flashlight, and pet Mama’s head when Chessnut asked for it, and let her know she was a good girl. She was still in labor when we had to leave to get ready for school, but oh! such excitement! I printed out the above picture so that The Pup could take it to school and show her teachers. Awesome.

And thus ends All Animal Friday! It’s naptime for Lessa. *grin*


  • BJ Mack says:

    I linked here from Dad Gone Mad. I am very interested in the debt solution you mentioned. I live in Atlanta, Ga. Could you please email me some suggestions of places to go for help. Thanks.
    PS. We have spring blooms on some bushes now. ( started in January-way too early) Just had sleet overnight and 20 degree lows for 2 nights. No Wait–I’m not complaining or bragging just wanted to give you a heads up of where to move in your future when the kids are out of Jr. High! Anyway spring usually begins here around Feb. 15. This year was exceptionally warm, so it started in January. However, I can’t look out the window and see a baby moose up close. Major drawback for me. Can you see the Aurora from your house? I would love that.

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