Gaming, old style!

Posted by Lessa on February 10, 2007 in family |

So, for christmas, I got the kids a few PS2 games. They’ve played them all, except for the collection of Arcade Games because they’d misplaced the disk when we packed up the tree.

Well, they rediscovered it tonight. Oh. My. God. The giggling!

First, the boy played Smash TV. He freaked. out. “The graphics! OMG so old!”

and then? “AH! I DIED AGAIN! OMG! This is HARD!”

then? “HERE!” he tosses player two controller to the girl, and she joins in and in unison! “AAAAAAAAAAH! I’m dead again! OMG! This is HARD!!”

Meanwhile, I’m over here just laughing HYSTERICALLY!

Then came Rampage. Where they’re kingkongish things punching buildings. Cue more laughter “I PUNCHED the HELICOPTER! WHOO!” “BOY! You SAT on my HEAD!”

Dude. If I had known how bloody hysterical we would all find rediscovering old video games? I’d have gotten this collection a LONG TIME AGO!

Best lines heard tonight?
“HA! Punch me! I shall come back to HAUNT YOU!”
“Uh, we’re on the SAME TEAM! punch the BUILDING not ME! how DARE YOU!”

Topped off by “HOW did you guys play these when you had to play with Quarters and NOT GO BROKE?”

How indeed.

1 Comment

  • da mama says:

    omg! I come to Anchorage – am away from computers for TWO WHOLE DAYS!!! and check in on all of you to find you have changed your clothes!!!! This is VERY different for you, dotter of mine! But I like it.

    and, yes, old games – your dad and uncle G used to LOVE spending quarters so you and your sis could get killedjuvated on the machines. hahahaha

    we have more shopping to do – and worshipping at the almighty coffee machine – oh, and have breafast first – before we head home. We’ll call!

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