Drama, drama, drama!

Posted by Lessa on February 11, 2007 in family, this-n-that |

 So, we had a bit of drama yesterday.

PupNpups_03As mentioned before, my sister’s dog had nine puppies, much to the delight of The pup, who was able to be there for numbers 3 and 4 before school, and number 9 afterwards. They’re now just over a week old, and the pup still loves to go over and climb right in the box with Chesnut and manhandle the puppies. Chesnut is a very, very easy going mama and not only allows it, but encourages it – because hello, why should she get up when she’s a willing slave to bring her puppies to stimulate and make sure they all get to eat and aren’t stomping one another to oblivion? Exactly.

Last night, Auntie Ladybug had gotten the puppies collars. One puppy got kinda tangled up, And The Pup went to take the puppy to Auntie to help fix it. Unfortunately, the puppy squirmed right out of The Pups hold, and she dropped it. There were a lot of tears, and I got a phone call that had me racing over, because there was fear that the puppy was about to die.

I cuddled The pup and we talked about it, and she voiced her fears – including her fear of how Fucknut reacted .(Screaming, yelling, and scaring my child. Cue Pissed off Lessa – and no, this is no surprise to Ladybug. I voiced my ire to her face as well. She also knows my daughter is far more forgiving then I am.) We spoke of the puppies, and how sometimes accidents happen and things don’t go as planned. We figured maybe daddy needed a puppy, and he might raise it better in heaven. I did my best to soothe my poor baby’s wounded heart.

Fortunately, about that time, the puppy began to move, and whimper, and kick and squirm. By this morning, after a night of careful hand feeding with an eyedropper, he’s nursing on his own, and back in the box with the others. He doesn’t seem to have any lasting ill effects from his fall, and we are very much relieved for it. To be honest it was more then I wanted, needed or felt I could deal with – though I’d have done my mommy best, as always.

So the nine almost became eight, and are now nine again, and there is absolutely no ill will between Chesnut and The Pup, as these pictures of her in the box were taken after the incident. Thank goodness.


As for The Pup – well, she now wants to be a vet. After she’s a princess and an astronaut, of course. TBF couldn’t possibly be more proud. Hee!

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