Spam – not just for breakfast anymore!

Posted by Lessa on February 15, 2007 in this-n-that |

You know, the spammers that visit here are sure a nice buncha people. Whenever I go into delete the Akismet backlog, I scroll through to make sure I’m not missing anything important (there for a while they thought my MOM was spam! Not! Though she does enjoy some fried up for dinner on occasion…). When I do, I’m always amused by some of the things that stand out.  For example:

Aw, a daddy watching his son while he sleeps, decides to think of the future and look for adult webhosting! Such a good daddy!

And the guy with similar information on his site – that all have url’s about Toyota. I’ve never owned or wanted a toyota, or even mentioned it till now. I think. But hey – more power to ya!

A lot of “Hey webmaster, great site!” and “Nice design! Good job, Master!” type comments. And well, while they’re right (I am the Master of my Domain!) it doesn’t negate the fact they want me to buy penis pills. Um. Yeah.

And then, there’s the fact that whenever I type something about my teenagers now, I get an overflow of information on how to get (and give?) hand jobs for free! HA! I’m totally teaching my kids to charge for that shit.  Just kidding. Any and all conversations about sex in anyway shape or form in THIS house start with “I will KILL YOU for even THINKING of that!” So there.  I’m just gonna make them watch Grease for the umpteenth time and do the Hand Jive. That’s all the hand-aling that’ll be going on round here!

So, spammers? I’m content with my webhost. I’m content with my penis size and function, thanks. (being, you know, without one and all!) I DO need a new car, eventually, but it won’t be a Toyota. And really, my kids? Never gonna do that sex thing – so stop with the hand job lessons ok?

But, you can TOTALLY continue to think I’m fabulous. THAT much is perfectly fine with me.


  • Cindy says:

    This is really a cute new page…but the sidebar has covered most of the words on your most recent post… Other than that though, adorable… :angel:

  • Lessa says:

    That’s probably due to your monitor settings on the computer your using. The layout is fluid (means it works for a variety of resolutions), but if your using something like the MSN crapola window browser thingy w/hotmail or whatever it is that my sister does, you’ll have that problem.

    It looks fine in regular Internet explorer, as well as firefox. So try going to it direct in internet explorer (IE) or download firefox.

    Then it’ll work fine.

  • Lessa says:

    I did just discover if your window is too small in IE, that it does do the overlap thing just a few moments ago. So. Erm. Kill IE. That’s the only way. Seriously. IE bites. Hah. Or, you know, make sure your window is maximized. and your monitor settings are at 1024×768, which is pretty normal most days now.

    In the meantime, I might look for another theme. Or you can also use the feed reader at google for content without the layout stuff.

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