Allright! Allright!

Posted by Lessa on February 16, 2007 in this-n-that |

Sheesh. The things I go through for you people! New look AGAIN. Yes, AGAIN. This one is back to the two-column and as such it *should* work fine on shitty IE on all resolutions.  It’s not as flamboyantly pretty as the other one, but it will do until they get the other one’s problems fixed. It’s a problem with IEv.5-6 vs. IEv7.  The author of the theme is aware of the problem and looking for a fix, and if they find it, I may go back to the bright sunshiney yellow thing.

Until then, we have this blogaholic blue with its modified header and darker tones that make me happy in ways few people understand. Because, you know, my blog gets all angsty and teenagery just like its author. Yeah. Something like that.

However – the new admin-theme-preview plugin? Awesome! Instead of having to go live, then update while people could be watching me (because really – what more do you have to do with your day aside from obsessively refreshing my page for new content?!?) You can preview and update and mess with things until your happy and THEN go live with the new look.

This makes my designers heart go pitterpat! I *hate* for things to be seen before I’m ready for them to be seen!

Speaking of designs – some people drive me nuts. See, there’s this site, for a giant dance festival in california. I love these guys, cuz they are fantabulous and they love me too. But the dude who took the pictures for them last year? They want ALL the pictures up on a gallery. He sent me TEN THOUSAND PICTURES. Ten Thousand pictures! Needless to say, I’ve killed the CPU over and over again to get them uploaded and added to the gallery. I’m about halfway there at this point. Hah. I have to do it in the wee hours of the morning, where fewer people are there to bitch about my cpu usage. Fortunately, once they’re there, it’s a done deal. And this years photos I will insist on not only being web res (which is what took him so long to get them to me – I wasn’t about to crop and resize them all! Course, he didn’t crop at all, just resized. Gah! TEN THOUSAND PICTURES people!) but I will also insist they be broken up into more then just two sections “Saturday” and “Sunday” cuz damn, people. Just… damn.

Oh well. I should be napping. I can’t – have a business call in 30 minutes. After THAT, however, I’ma curl up on the couch and pretend to watch TV when I’ll really be sleeping. HAHAHH! Enjoy the new look, you freaky still-using-crappy-IE people. (Yes, this means you, sneaking in here from work! I see you! hahahah!)

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