
Posted by Lessa on February 18, 2007 in this-n-that |


So, yesterday was quite the busy day for us around here. First, Dad and I left training early, so we could sneak over to the birthday party for Buglet (2-14) and Ladybug (2-18), which was conveniently held on my birthday (2-17)!

02-17-07_BdayPty_21A better party I couldn’t have asked for – it was noisy, filled with family and laughter, and even the CUTEST pair of twins EVER who we’d never met before but joined right in on the fun and unwrapping of presents.

The buglet was ENTHRALLED. He ran past the girls, stopped short, and went “MOMMA! TWO! There’s TWO a’dem!” And every once in a while after that, he’d just randomly exclaim. “TWO! TWO a’dem!” Which made us giggle every. single. time.

There was much food, and cake, and even a couple gifts for old Auntie Lessa – aka, a typical family affair, with benefits! *grin*

While there, we had what we are terming the Chronicle of Tall with The Boy. At every get together, he loves to see just how much taller he is then everyone in the family, and we’re watching as he gets ever closer to getting taller then Papa. While we knew how much taller he was getting then Auntie Ladybug, Nana and Myself, and that even though he and papa BOTH stretched, the boy was creeping ever closer… the kicker was when Auntie Darlin arrived. And admitted she was wearing heels. It didn’t help. Poor Auntie Darlin!



Then it was time to disperse, and head our seperate ways. This having Teenagers with Social Lives is a pain! The Boy took off with Papa for a while, then briefly checked in before running off with his best friend to go bowling, spend the night, and go see Ghost Rider this afternoon. The Girls came home with me, to start in on their rooms, then The Girl ran off to babysit for Auntie Ladybug and spend the night. So it was just The Pup and me.



We headed to blockbuster for movies, and then to subway by her request for dinner when we got the call. Papa and Nana invited us to Rosita’s for dinner – they wanted to get me into the HAT you see – and said the pup could come too. Today I can’t tell you WHAT we were laughing at so hard, because I don’t remember, but the pup had poor Nana laughing so hard I’m sure her tummy muscles are complaining today! She was CRYING and EVERYTHING, as The Pup keeps pointing out whenever I say something. hahah!

And if THAT isn’t enough – today, when Auntie Ladybug brought The Girl home, we had a visitor. You may remember the drama of the dropped puppy last weekend. (Of course you do – because what more do you have to do other then breathlessly wait for my next tale?) Well, the little boy is doing just fine. His eyes are open, he’s a noisy little whiner, and he seems to be none the worse for wear. The cats? not so amused by the visitor. Ace was a bit curious – hissed twice, but then didn’t seem to mind much after that. Annabelle? Hissed and RAN AWAY with her tail all POOFED and everything. The Pup, of course, is absolutely enthralled by the little guy. Who we think should be named Lucky. Yeah.



And. Last but certainly not least – Please forgive my typos. I spend most of my time nowdays typing like this:


And there. THE END!
(I know – about bloody time, huh?)


  • dallas meow says:

    Sounds FABULOUS!
    and you’ve changed around here.
    You really have a wonderful site.
    As my local family is quite small [3 of us] it’s nice to read about family events.
    I enjoy it a great deal.
    and I love it…’ there’s two a’dem’ πŸ™‚ what a gem!

  • Joe Flirt says:

    Happy Birthday to the Entire “February Birthday Gang!” πŸ™‚

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