Shhh! M’sleepin!

Posted by Lessa on February 28, 2007 in this-n-that |

Ok, so I’m not sleepin YET, but I might be, sometime, soonish. Sure. You believe me, right? Actually, I went to bed early last night (GASP!) and meant to watch a movie, but ended up sleeping instead. whoo! Course, I may still curl up on the couch for a while this morning too. Old habits, and all that.

Some news, however! You’ll remember (because dude, I know you totally live vicariously through me!) that I was invited at the beginning of the month to be a “channel blogger” for 451 Press, right? Right. So there I was, gleefully mucking around in many channels, about many things, and just Monday morning I was invited to move up to a real site at 451 Press that’s mine all mine! Yup – Now? It’s all Survivor: Fiji! all the time!  I *knew* my love for reality TV would come in handy! So now, at least five days a week, ya’ll can see me mucking about at Watching Survivor where I’ll be doing recaps, and ferreting out interviews and finding other things on the web to augment our Survivor Addiction. There’s nothing like watching TV and getting paid to write about it, seriously. Hee!

In other news, things are forever the same. I’m refusing to take a puppy – especially the one that the Pup dropped, who she’s already attached too, and has named Sacha Jr, which made me say NO PUPPIES NAMED THAT, to which she replied “That’s ok, Lucky doesn’t mind being called Lucky” and which made TBF sputter and laugh and suggest we call the puppy we aren’t getting Deogi (Dee Oh Gee. D-O-G, or Dropped On Ground.) which made me snicker but since we AREN’T GETTING THE PUPPY it doesn’t matter, just as his cute smooshable face doesn’t matter because I HATE DOGS and we aren’t getting a puppy!

Oh shut up.

Oh, hey! Ya’ll have questons about living in Alaska? fire them my way, and I’ll snark about it for The Sourdough since I, of course, haven’t written for them this week and need to get my snark on. *grin*

And other then all that? I got nuthin. Happy Wednesday!


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